Chapter 15: Mr. Doctor Man

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I slowly wake up to find myself in a strange white room, soon realizing it was a hospital room.

I felt something under my nose and realize it was a breathing tube.

I frowned and looked, spotting Emerson fast asleep next to me on the bed.

Looks like I'll be stuck here until someone pries him off me, or manages to wake him up without getting maimed....

I then turned and spotted Andrew asleep in the seat next to the bed. Larisa and Shy were also nearby asleep.

"And... Andrew...." I said, my voice a little raspy as I reached over and nudged his leg a little.

He stirred a little, groaning before he slowly woke up and sat up.

"Cacia, you're awake, thank God," he said, walking over and sitting by the edge and holding my hand.

"W-What happened?" I asked.

"You and Andy were stuck in an elevator back at the hotel, and you had a severe panic attack," he whispered. "It was really bad, but you avoided anything life threatening."

I frowned as I remembered and went to take the tube off, but he placed his hand over mine.

"Don't... You hyperventilated too much and got something called respiratory alkalosis. The doctors had to get your breathing levels back to normal. You nearly entered cardiac arrest," he said worriedly.

I stared at him in shock, and looked up at the ceiling, then turning and shaking Emerson.

"Em.... Wake up," I said. "Emie, wake up."

He mumbled sleepily before his eyes opened and he gasped and shot up.

"Caci!" he said, and quickly pulled me into a hug, and I hug him back. "Thank goodness, you're okay... How do you feel?"

"I feel fine.... W-Where's Remington and Sebastian?" I asked.

Just as I said that, the door opened and Remington, Sebastian, Samuel, Phillip and Andy walked in.

"Acacia, thank god," Remington and Sebastian said with relief and ran over to us, Andrew making room.

"We were so worried," Remington said in a shaky voice. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"

"I-I'm fine, but.... I don't want to be here anymore," I said, taking a slow deep breath as I observed the hospital room around me.

Never really enjoyed hospitals or clinics.... They make me feel uneasy and gross.... Too much gloomy energy....

"If it wasn't for Andy here, God only knows what could have happened to you," Samuel said with relief.

I looked at him weirdly. "Wait, what?"

"Andy helped you calm down in the elevator," Sebastian said, moving my hair from my face.

I looked at him in shock, then turned to Andy.

"I-Is that true?" I asked him.

Andy pursed his lips and looked down. "You were crying really badly... Calling for help..... It even felt like your heart was going to explode. I had to try and calm your breathing down any way I could or else..... I couldn't just leave you on your own like that..."

I looked at him in shock.

"Acacia?" Remington asked, holding my hand.

"C-Can I have a moment alone with Andy, please?" I asked as I sat up.

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