Chapter 6: Feel

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*Will also be including songs from Kropp Circle for titles. ♥



The next morning was anything but cheerful, as it should have been.

Acacia refused to get up in the morning, eat or say anything.

Remington decided to stay with her so she wouldn't be alone.

Flynn's father was even more shocked than the rest of us that his own son would hurt someone he was supposed to love and cherish, and instead just lied and tricked.

He was even angrier at the fact that he did the same exact thing to another girl.

She turned out to be a graduate from another high school. Poor thing was a wreck according to Shy.

We all sat in silence at the table when there was a knock at the door.

I got up and answered it, seeing it was Adelle and Vanessa.

"Hey, come on in," I said.

They entered as I lead them to the kitchen.

"Hey..... How is she?" Adelle asked as her and Vanessa walked in.

"Not well... She won't even eat," Mom said.

"Is she in her room?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, the four of us took turn watching over her all night," Emerson said. "Rem's with her right now."

"Did you take care of that jerk?" I asked.

"Vanessa definitely did a number on him, that's for sure,"Adelle said.

"Let's just say he won't be able to talk for a few weeks with his jaws needing to be wired shut," she snapped.

"Serves him right," I said, crossing his arms.

"His father isn't upset with you?" Mom asked.

"A little for her still breaking his kid's face, but you can bet Mr. Ross is anything but happy with what Flynn did, either," Vanessa added

"What about the other girl?" Shy asked.

"We took her home and she called up her best friends to come over, and we kept her company until they did. She feels guilty for making Caci cry," Adelle said.

"That's not her fault," Shy said. "She was tricked just like Acacia was. Poor girl..."

"I just hope Acacia recovers... I knew that guy was just going to eventually hurt her," I said.

"Em, come on," Stephanie said. "Last thing needed is an 'I told you so.' Acacia needs time to heal, and hwr family by her side."

"She's right, babe. We know you were right, but its best not telling her that. She still had feelings for him, and now she has a broken heart..."

I looked at Sebastian who nodded. "They're right. Even if our instints proved right, last thing Acacia needs is for us to tell her that we told her so. We're not like that, especially to her. You know that."

I pursed my lips and sighed. "Yeah... You're right... I'm sorry..."

He leaned over and patted my back to assure he wasn't upset with me.

I really do hope my little sister feels better soon...


I laid next to my sister as she curled into her blankets, hugging a pillow and Stitch plushie.

She wouldn't talk, eat, or anything.

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