Chapter 32: No Love in L.A.

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"That was a little cold of you," Shy said as she moved the little bit of white wine in her glass a bit.

I sighed, looking in my glass. "I had to, Shy..... Its just wrong.... Yeah, he's in the middle of a divorce, but he's also still married nonetheless," I said. "And even if he wasn't married, its still wrong...."

The next day, I talked with Shy about what's happened over some wine while the boys got together for a meeting. I know they're discussing a new era and Remington has been scribbling some lyrics with Sebastian here and there, and I've also helped Emerson work with our artist friend, Billie, on some new stuff, but everyone is still thinking on ideas.

"I'm just surprised that woman's not causing such a massive scene over this divorce and everything is being kept this quiet...." she said, thinking about it. "You'd think she would be the type to just say whatever she can make up in her head for the sake of money and attention. Its all she wants afterall."

"I know.... That's why I rather not get in the middle of anything and just let things sort themselves out, watch from a very safe distance," I sighed. "If I don't, it won't just badly affect me, it'll affect my brothers, too...."

She sighed and nodded. "Its true, I guess..."

"Yeah," I said, taking a sip of my wine.

"Well.... Look on the bright side, though. This can give you more time to be able to adjust to living by the ocean instead of the desert," she shrugged

I chuckled. "I admit, I do kind of miss hiking and riding bike over at Red Rock...." I said. "Sebastian always took me on weekends to bike and jog when he lived in Vegas, before they had to leave on tour.... We always did it, ever since I was in middle school... Also when he visited home...."

"Well, Mojave is very beautiful," she said. "I'm sure you'll love it, too."

I smiled and moved my glass a little bit.

"Hun, you sure you feel you did the right decision with Andy?" Shy asked curiously. "I mean, despite the cons, he is still a pretty decent guy if you think about it."

I sighed. "I mean.... Its a no-brainer.... I'm a 19 year old girl, who didn't even notice she was dating a manipulative lying psycho that tried to kill her, and.... He's a controversial rock singer in his 30's trying to get through a messy divorce..... I'm practically a child to him...."

"Oh, please, Acacia.... You are most definitely way more mature than that hopeless oaf," Shy scoffed. "Let's not forget, he was even older than you when he decided to launch himself off a wall platform during a show.... Now, he's missing an entire rib because he pulverized it."

I couldn't help but giggle, then sighed softly.

"Honestly, I rather just focus on school, my new job, stuff like that.... Dating isn't exactly a necessity after all.... Its a distraction, especially from my recovery....." I said. "I should be worrying about other important stuff, right?"

Shy smiled and nodded. "That's always up to you.... However, you are right. You're still young, and you have more than enough time in your life before the right person comes into your life," she said. "Besides, there's more important things than dating anyway."

I nodded as she then reached over and held my hand.

"You're an amazing girl, Acacia.... Anyone should consider themselves lucky to have you, even if its as a friend..." she said. "I know I'm lucky to have you as one. Hell, you're like a little sister to me."

I smiled. "Thanks, Shy..... I just wish this was all easier.... I mean, you just find a guy, and there's no stress, no worries, not even a single high expectation.... Its just two people finding a lot in common with each other, and they just click if its meant to be or not.... Just like you and my brother...."

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