Chapter 28: Anxiety

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>Months Later<


"You ready, Acacia?" My coach, Jason, asked me.

I took a deep breath and nodded as we took our positions on the mat.

"Remember, don't hold back," he said.

I nodded as then a whistle went off and Jason's hand suddenly yanked my hair

I quickly grabbed his hand, squeezing my elbows in before going under his arm as I pulled it with me, going up and around, making him stumble forward as I pushed his arm forward and up his back making him yelp.

"Ahh, ahh okay okay, tap out, you got me!!" he shouted, tapping my leg.

I let him go and back up as he stood up.

"Sorry," I said as I then heard clapping and turn to see Emerson sitting nearby next to Shy as they watch, him clapping.

"That was funny. Do it again," he smiled cheekily.

I chuckled and shook my head with an eye roll as Shy softly smacked his shoulder with a scold.

The holidays thankfully passed by peacefully, despite the court case.

Flynn ended up with a heavy sentence of 25 years to life, added up by charges of attempted murder, assault, and violating a restraining order. Thankfully the whole thing didn't take forever since the evidence was pretty valid.

Unfortunately word got out of the assault and fans were wishing me a speedy recovery. Luckily for everyone, no one knows Andy was also involved in that incident, but they do know he testified on my behalf as a material witness.

Not a lot is known about Andy and Juliet anymore, since everything has pretty much been kept in the dark, but there have been rumors sprouting here and there, so I'm guessing fans are starting to catch on about the divorce, which has been finalized according to Andy Things have been quiet, but to the public things are still a huge mystery. From what they do know, Juliet is staying with some family for the time being and Andy's super busy in the studio.

I've been finishing my last semester for the fall and then a mini term in the Spring before finally finishing the transfer to a college in Los Angeles.

On top of that, I've also decided to start taking some self defense classes, and also started doing some MMA on the weekends as well.

After my attack, I knew that being a young female, unfortunately, it may not be my last violent incident.

I got myself some self defense items like pepper spray, one of those necklaces with a hidden body alarm (Larisa's idea), and a pair of spiked knuckles, but knew that could only do so much.

So I decided to take self defense classes, and a studio nearby the campus happens to also teach that and some martial arts fighting as well, as suggested by a classmate in my social science class.

As a plus, its also a great work out.

"Well, I gotta say, you'd definitely fuck someone up with that strength of yours, Acacia," Jason chuckled with a groan as he adjusted his shoulder a bit.

I chuckled. "Thanks, I guess."

"No problem. Its getting late. Let's call it a day, shall we?" he asked.

I nodded as he and I high fived each other before I walked back to Emerson and Shy, Shy handing me my water bottle.

"You're doing better with that move," she smiled.

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