Chapter 26: Hang On To Yourself

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A few days passed and a court date was set for Flynn.

He's now looking at not just a violation of a restraining order, but also assault and battery and even attempted murder.

Acacia has been trying to recover from what happened. She's really shaken up about it, even scared to leave the house.

Her professors were, of course, made aware of the situation, and allowed her some time to rest and that she can submit any due assignments via email. Her boss is also giving her a week off to recover.

To our relief, the press was not aware of what happened and we all wanted to keep it like that.

Her bruises turned a purplish color, but thankfully her voice is better now.

Right now I decided to take her our for some coffee to get her out of the house.

She was a little nervous, but still managed to come with me. She wore a scarf to cover her neck bruises, and make up to cover the facial ones.

"Thank you," I said to the Starbucks barista as I got our drinks and food, and headed to the table where Acacia sat, looking through her phone.

"Here," I said.

"Thanks," She smiled as she put her phone down and got settled while I sat down.

I decided to spend the whole day with Acacia to help get her relax and get some time outside of the house, so I invited her to some coffee nearby and then a movie.

"You feeling okay?" I asked her.

"A little better.... Still a bit nervous, I admit," she said.

"Don't worry," I assured her. "You're safe now, especially with me."

She smiled up at me. "Thanks again for doing this, Rem... I really needed this..."

"Anytime," I smiled. "You're my sister, I just want you to be happy."

She smiled as she then frowned and looked down.

"You still have question floating around in your spikey little head, brother...." she sighed.

I pursed my lips. There's never getting anything past Acacia....

"Just... Be honest with me, I won't get mad...." I said. "Are you... Getting close with Andy?"

She fidgeted a bit in her seat, but then took a deep breath.

"That night at the festival, on my birthday.... W-We may have.... Kissed...." She said hesitantly, averting her gaze as a pink tint splashed across her cheeks.

I sighed softly, looking down.

"I-I just happened out of no where, heat of the moment.... Only Shy and Jinxx knew, and I begged Shy not to tell you guys, Emerson especially.... He would have gotten angry...." she said.

She's not wrong... If Emerson ever knew about this, let's just say BVB would be needing a new singer....

"Look, Cacia...." I sighed. "I usually don't mind who you date, so long as they treat you well and you're happy and I can trust them with you, because you're still my baby sister no matter what..."

She looked up at me.

"But look at the facts right now.... Flynn just tried to murder you, and Andy doesn't exactly have a good reputation anywhere," i said. "Yeah, he's my friend, but he can also be pretty selfish and arrogant...."

He pursed her lips and looked down.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt by another guy again, sis...." I said.

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