Chapter 9: Can't Stop The Rain

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The day for touring finally arrived and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I mean, yeah, my brothers will be with me, and I have toured with them before.

This is different though.

I took a look in the mirror at my outfit. Emerson picked it out for me while he and Shy went shopping for some tour clothes.

 Emerson picked it out for me while he and Shy went shopping for some tour clothes

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(Picture: Acacia's current outfit)

Of course he has claimed borrowing rights for the jacket. 

Typical Emerson. Hehe.

"Hey sissy, are you ready?" Emerson's voice spoke as he stood at my doorway. "The van is almost here."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I... I'm ready," I said.

He walked over and held my hands. "Its gonna be okay. You still got us, and who knows. Maybe this trip can help you a lot."

I sighed. "I hope so."

He smiled before tilting his head, observing me, then taking off his hat and placing it on my head.

"There," he smiled.

"Don't you need it?" I asked as I adjusted it.

"Your outfit compliments it more," he smiled, shrugging. "Just give it back whenever."

I couldn't help but giggle and hug him.

"Thank you, Em," I smiled.

"Anytime, Caci," he smiled.

I know he's doing his best. Emerson was always the first one to try and cheer me up whenever I was down and upset, especially when we were kids.


My 5 year old self sniffled as I looked at my hurt knee, clinging to my cat stuffie as Mommy wrapped my knee up before kissing it.

"There. Its okay, honey," she said comfortingly. "A lot of kids don't get the whole bike riding stuff right from the start. You can just try again next time, okay?"

I whimpered and wiped my tears. "I-I don't wanna do it again, Mommy..." I cried.

She gave me a sad look before leaning up and kissing the top of my head.

"Then you don't have to, baby," she said tucking my hair behind my ear, then pulling my blanket over me. "Go ahead and rest for a while, and I'll make you and your brothers some snacks."

I sniffled and nodded as she kissed my head and left me to watch cartoons.

They were showing the PowerPuff Girls as I curled into my blanket when suddenly Emerson walked up to me.

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