Chapter 8: Warhol

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I laid in bed, when I suddenly felt a tug on my sheets and looked over to see my little brothers and sister nearby.

"Seb, we can't sleep," Remmy whined.

I groaned and sat up. "Then go to Mom."

"She looked tiwed," Acacia said.

"Pleeeeease," Emerson begged.

I grumbled and made room. "Okay, but no kicking."

The all climbed up and we squished together, Acacia and Emerson between me and Remington.

Thankfully my bed was big enough for the four of us and our youngest siblings are reall small.

Acacia was playing with my hair as Emerson was curled up with Remington, already falling asleep.

"Caci, go to sleep," I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"I can't, what if the monstew undew the bed gets us?" she said, clinging to me.

"M-Monsters?" Emerson mumbled sleepily yet scared.

"No, no, no," I said, holding both of them. "There's no such thing as monsters. Okay?"

"Are you suwe?" Acacia asked, scared.

I nodded. "I'm sure. Eitherway, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you three. I'm the oldest, remember?"

Acacia smiled at me. "You'we always bwave, Sebbie," she said, hugging me.

"I gotta be," I said, hugging her as Emerson and Remington looked up at me before crawling over and curling up to us both. We soon fell asleep.

<-end of flashback->

The four of us always depended on one another for support and help, whether it just one depending on the other like Emerson and Acacia did, or me and Remington both depending on them and vice versa.

Of course, being older, the three of them looked up to me since I was the oldest

Starting our music career was a bit scary in a way, since we were away from Acacia. Even though she understood, we hated leaving her behind in tours and stuff even for a day.

Even though now things are sort of the same, at least we're grown up and know we're not always going to be apart from each other.

Right now I was organizing the song setlists in my room when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said, and the door opened, revealing Acacia.

"Caci, hey..." I said, putting my pen down. "Everything okay?"

"Umm... Can I stay with you for a bit?" She asked.

"Emerson isn't with you?" I asked, confused, knowing it was Emerson's turn to stay by her side.

"He went to run errands with Remington and Shy," She said. "I told him it was okay to go."

"Oh, okay. But yeah, come in," I said as I made room on my bed next to me for her to sit down.

She walked in, closing the door before walking over and sitting next to me, noticing the setlists.

"That's a lot of lists," I said. "All for different states?" 

"A few," I said. "Some cities in a state get the same song, other times its different. Thinking this time to just raffle it for each state. Who knows."

She nodded as she read a few, then looked up. "I'll go..."

"Hm?" I asked.

"I'll go with you guys... On the tour..." she said.

My eyes widen.

"Staying here, brooding and feeling like crap won't help me," she said. "Plus, Flynn will just try to reach out to me and I don't want that... I can't..."

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry he hurt you... But he's not worth anymore tears now."

"I still should have listened," she mumbled.

"Caci, no," I scolded. "The fact that we never liked Flynn doesn't mean you should have known better or anything like that. He didn't just trick you, he tricked everyone. You and that other girl probably weren't even the only ones, or first."

She sniffled as she held back tears. 

"It was his fault. He didn't see you as the amazing girl you really are and didn't treat you like she should have," I said.

She took a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want to come along? No one is forcing you, you know," I said.

"I know... But everyone here's right... I need a bit of a break... Just... Just get my mind off this, or else I'll just go nuts shutting this all out," she said. "Plus, I.... I don't want to be apart from my brothers at a time like this."

I nodded before we pulled each other into a hug.

"I promise, he's just gonna end up being a memory that won't ever even faze you," I said.

She clung to me tighter as we hugged. "Thanks for being amazing brothers..."

"Well with a baby sister like you, why wouldn't we?" I smiled as we pulled back.

She smiled. "Guess I should start packing, huh?"

"I can help if you want," I shrugged.

"Nah, its okay. Keep working, I can handle some packing," she said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Of course. I'll let you know if I need help," she said, a small smile on her face.

I nodded as she left my room and headed to her room.

I took a deep breath. At least I know my sister will be okay, especially with the three of us.

Let's just hope bringing her with us really is a good idea.


Picture: Sebastian Danzig & Emerson Barrett

Song: Warhol by Palaye Royale 🖌

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Cheat Codes ft. Demi Lovato
"No Promises"

♡~ sapphire.

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