Chapter 35: White

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"Alright here is the porterhouse mushroom burger with fries for the gentleman, and the grilled chicken skillet with jalapeños for the lady, careful with the plate since its still hot. Drinks should be out in just a second," i said as I served the customers their meals.

"Awesome, thanks," the young woman greeted with a smile as she carefully adjusted her plate.

"Oh, uhh, can i get some ketchup and honey mustard, please?" the man asked me.

"Of course. I'll bring it right away. Hang tight," I nodded, and went ahead to get the rest of their orders.

After starting to get settled in Los Angeles, I got a part time job as a waitress at a steakhouse restaurant slash bar not far from campus.

It was a little overwhelming at first, but I quickly got the hang of things.

The rude customers are a pain, but I don't let it get to me, and my boss, Annie, always looks out for her workers, and is really nice.

School has also been going well, and my professors are thankfully really good and understanding.

I've also managed to make friends both on campus and even at work, which is kind of something new to me.

I've been so used it just being Adelle and Vanessa, as well as Austin, Andrew Shy, and Larisa, that making newer friends outside of those circles was always strange to me.

Therapy is also going well. I find myself more calm nowadays, and I'm getting better sleep now that I'm barely getting nightmares anymore.

I do admit I get paranoid sometimes, like when I walk to my car or jog in the park by Sebastian's place, so I continued with more self defense classes on the weekends. I also carry around precautions like pepper spray and an Invisawear necklace that Sebastian got for me to help track my location in case of an emergency.

I also find myself sometimes getting homesick, and missing my mom. I do call and text her almost everyday, and it helps me feel better.

"Hey, Acacia," Annie called, making me turn as I got the tray of drinks, as well as the condiments. "You got someone in your section who requested for your service. Table 3."

"Oh, uhh, okay. Let me just get these to Table 8 first," I assured her.

She smiled and nodded as I got the tray and carried it over.

Once I gave my customers their drinks and condiments, as well as some straws and extra napkins, I grabbed my notepad and pen from my black waist apron, adjusted my ponytail a bit, and then walked over to Table 3, who was looking with the menu board up.

"Hi, welcome! My name is Acacia and I will be your server tonight," I greeted. "Can I get you started with......"

I stopped as the person lowered the menu and I froze, eyes wide, as I saw who it was.

"Hey...." Andy smiled.

"But how... Damn it, Andy, how did you find me here?" I asked, surprised to see him.

"Well, uhhh.... I may have asked Alice to ask Nigel....." he said awkwardly.

My eyes widen. "Wait, you called my godfather to ask where I work?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Technically I called his sister," he said, trying to save himself.

I face palmed with a grunt.

"Look, I just want to talk, Acacia.... 10 minutes, that's all I ask," he begged.

I pursed my lips and sighed. "Okay, fine... My break's coming up in 15 minutes, though... Can you wait until then?"

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