Chapter 13: Cemeteries No.1 (Running)

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Since it was our day off that day and we wanted to avoid any run ins with paparazzi, we decided to eat room service breakfast that day and by the afternoon we got our things, check out (of course after generous tipping the staff) and headed to the next town.

The next day our suspicions were confirmed. Juliet had left the tour, and despite the statement, the reporters who caught her and Andy arguing told a different story as expected.

We stayed out of the way and went about our own business.

Right now we were getting ready for soundtrack and Acacia had finished the merch tables with Austin before deciding to hang with us on stage.

She was busy on her phone before it suddenly rung and she furrowed her brows.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Don't know. Probably an advertisement call or something," she said with an eye roll. "I'm gonna go see."

I nodded as she headed to the backstage area.


I answered the phone as I stepped into the hallway. "Hello?"

"Acacia, thank goodness!" a familiar voice said and I froze.

"F-Flynn?" I asked.

"Yeah, its me," he said. "Please, I need to talk to you."

"We have nothing that needs to be said," I snapped. "I want nothing to do with you anymore!"

"Please, let me explain!" He pleaded.

"Explain what?!" I exclaimed. "How you saw other girls behind my back, and did the same to them?! How you lied me?! I trusted you, I actually loved you, I ignored everything my brother's said about you when in reality I should have listened to them since day one!!"

"Caci, please, I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry isn't going to fix this, now stop calling me and leave me the hell alone!" I snapped, and hung up, quickly blocking his number before sighing and leaning against the wall.

"I guess we both have our troubles," a deep voice said, making me jump and turn to see Andy stood there.

"W-What are you doing here?" I said, hiding my phone. "How long have you been there?"

"If I say before you got there, will you be mad?" He asked.

I sighed and turned around, crossing my arms. "This isn't even any of your business anyway," I snapped. "You got your problems, and I have mine."

I turned to walk away when he spoke.

"I know he broke your heart," he said.

I stood still as I pursed my lips.

"I know he manipulated you, took advantage of your feelings for him, as well as other girls," he said. "You didn't deserve that, Acacia."

I sighed. "Look, thank you for your concern. It is greatly appreciated, truly," I said coldly. "But I don't want to accept sympathy from the guy who's already dealing with his own relationship problems, which are bigger than my own."

He sighed. "I know you probably see me as this messed up, egotistic rock star who brings bad luck where he goes, Acacia," he said. "But you gotta know, there's more than that."

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