Chapter 23: Ma Chérie

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"Ready?" I asked everyone quietly as we stood outside the door.

They all nodded excitedly as we got everything ready outside the room. Mom held the cake while Remington held some of the gifts along with Andrew, Shy and Larisa, and Emerson carried the flowers.

Since Acacia was such a flower child, I made sure everyone got plenty of them.

Today was the day. Nineteen years ago, Remington, Emerson and I officially became big brothers to the greatest little sister we could ever ask for.

We decided to wake her up and do something nice.

We quietly walked into Acacia's room, seeing her peacefully asleep in bed.

I sat down by her and softly shake her awake.

"Ohhh, Caciiii, Wake up," I said softly, making her groan sleepily and shift before her eyes opened and she looked up at us sleepily.

"Happy birthday, sissy!" Emerson shouted as Larisa turned on her light.

Acacia smiled sleepily and yawned as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before looking around and chuckled excitedly as she admired her surroundings.

Acacia smiled sleepily and yawned as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before looking around and chuckled excitedly as she admired her surroundings

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(Picture: Example of how Acacia's birthday morning looked)

"Oh my gosh! You all did this?!" she smiled.

"Of course we did," Remington smiled. "Happy birthday, Acacia!!"

"Thank you," She smiled as Emerson placed the roses on her lap. She picked them up, smiling as she admired them before smelling them. "They're beautiful.... You all shouldn't have...."

"Oh hush now," Mom smiled as she sat at Acacia's other side. "The day my little fairy was born was one of my greatest days ever, and deserves to be celebrated."

Acacia smiled as then she perked up.

"Wait, shouldn't we... Be at the lawyer's offices?" she asked.

"I called earlier. I figured the lawyers can handle what they can until we go tomorrow," Mom said. "Besides, its a day of happiness, to celebrate you. No negativity allowed."

Acacia smiled and nodded as Mom held up the cake as Shy walked over and lit the candle.

"Now... Make a wish, honey," Mom smiled.

Acacia smiled as she admired the cake we had made for her, a gold colored cake topper of her name on top.

Acacia then closed her eyes, making her wish before she blew the candle out.

"Whatever you wish for, which I hope was a lifetime supply of Nutella for your favorite big brother, I hope it comes true," Remington smiled cheekily, making us all laugh as I rolled my eyes and flicked the back of his head.

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