Chapter 10: Sick Boy Soldier

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Traffic was more than we expected, but managed to pull through and make it.

We soon arrived to the hotel we were staying at so that tomorrow night we can preform our first show.

It was already almost night so it was no surprise when I saw my siblings knocked out in the back, Emerson laying down with his head on Acacia's lap and Acacia leaned against Remington who rested against the window, his arm rested around Acacia's.

I smiled before shaking Remington's leg. "Rem... Rem wake up," I said.

He groaned and yawned as he woke up, looking around and dazed before regaining focus. "We're here?"

"Yeah, wake up everyone while I go to valet," I said.

He yawned again and nodded as I then climbed down.

Once everyone was awake (a sleepy Emerson being lazy and making Remington give him a piggyback ride while a drowsy Acacia leaned against my side a bit for support), we got checked in and headed to our room.

We all got a single but large family room for ourselves and decided to rest for a little before going out to eat.

Samuel, Andrew and Austin took the one bedroom while me and my siblings too the other.

Remington carried Emerson to the bed and laid him down when there was suddenly a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Acacia said with a slight yawn

I nodded as Remington laid on the other bed and I decided to go see who was at the door. 


I yawned as I opened the door and was surprised at who stood there.

"Oh... Andy...." I said.

There he stood, taller than me by about more than 2 ft (I am freakishly short despite tall genetics running in my family), and with those bright blue eyes that seems to somehow make all those hyperactive fan girls of his swoon for some reason, Andy Biersack, along with his questionable manager, John Feldman.

"Acacia?" He said, surprised as well. "Hey, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Umm, yeah..... Uuh ...." I said, taking a step back. "My brothers invited me on tour before we left."

"Oh, uhhh... That's great," he said awkwardly.

I don't really hate Andy.... Completely..... Thing is, last time we met things didn't exactly go well.

He always seemed so full of himself, and he knows how I feel about the movie deal he's making with Remington involving the soundtrack to it.

Not to mention Andy's wife, Juliet, wasn't exactly the most polite person when I first met them.

Plus... Something about her doesn't really feel right to me....

So, I tend to keep my distance from him and anything related to avoid any sort of turmoil, especially since he always seems to attract a lot of it.

On top of that, turmoil is the last thing I need at the moment.

"Its good to see you again, Acacia. Also, congrats on completing high school. My wife and I sent a gift, I hope you liked it," John said kindly, trying to break the awkward tension.

To be honest, I barely focused on my graduation presents, considering I pretty much had my heart ripped out and ripped to shreds. Presents didn't exactly occupy my mind.

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