Chapter 16: All My Friends

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⚠️WARNING: small scenes that depict SLIGHT mentions of body dysmorphia. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



That same day Acacia was released from the hospital with bed rest orders.

The hotel compensated us and also Andy for the incident, letting us stay for free next time, free room service included.

She had also called Mom to assure her that she was alright. Mom thought she should come home, but Acacia convinced her otherwise, that it was only an accident and she's alright now.

Either way, tour will be ending in like 2 weeks, more or less, so we'll all be home soon.

We drove to the next town after Acacia was cleared and released, and thankfully today was a day off so she can relax and rest a bit more.

We all decided to sleep in today and then hang out in the hotel for a while, Sebastian and Samuel on a run and doing some errands.

I had ordered some room service for breakfast and got Acacia a hot chocolate with a croissant breakfast sandwich, a small bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, some fruit, then carried it into her room.

She laid in bed watching Netflix on her laptop before looking up and smiling as she paused and pulled off her headphone from her ear. "Hi."

"Hey sis," I said. "Bought you breakfast in bed."

"Thanks, Rem. I'm starving," she said as she set her laptop aside and made room for me to set the tray down.

That's when Emerson emerged with a bouquet of pink roses.

"Flowers for my darling baby sister," he smiled.

"Aww, Emie," Caci giggled as he handed her the bouquet. "My favorites! You shouldn't have..."

"Of course I had to. I am the favorite brother after all," he said cheekily.

"In you dreams," I scoffed with an eyeroll.

"Alright, guys, come on," Acacia scolded with a small smile. "You know with you three I have no favorites. I love you all equally."

"Awww, sissy..... I have a little more love, though, right?" Emerson asked, making me give him a look.

Acacia giggled before gently setting her flowers aside.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Much better," she said. "I'm just hoping I don't ever face another stuck elevator in my life again."

"I should have gone with you, though," Emerson said with a sigh.

"You probably would have freaked out like me, Em," She said.

"Still," he said, holding my hand. "At least now your safe."

She sighed as she laid back. "Still a bit surprised it was Andy who kept me from almost having a heart attack."

"At least he's smart for something," Emerson said with a shrug.

"Emerson," I scolded.

"What, its true," he argued. "I'm sorry, Andy's a good musician, but when it comes to things like romance, coordination, loyalty to most people, being unproblematic, standing up for himself, coordination, or at times even honesty with anyone, he's not exactly the best guy to call."

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