Chapter 14: Nervous Breakdown

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WARNING: Scenes depicting events of anxiety/panic attacks. If affected, please read with caution.



Time passed and soon we were in Houston where we had our show and the next day we were heading early to the next town for a show.

I finished having us checked out while everyone made sure they had everything and I started to do the same.

"Ugh, shoot," Acacia snapped as she checked her bag.

"What happened?" I asked, looking over from mine.

"I forgot my phone and my charger back in the room," she sighed.

"Want me to go get it?" Andrew asked as he walked over.

"Nah, its alright, I'll go," she said. "I won't take long."

We nodded as she went back inside and we continued to pack up.

I then saw as Emerson went to work on making his corner in the van.

"Okay, but why does Emerson need an entire seat for himself?" Remington argued.

"Because I'm the youngest and I'm special," he said, smiling cheekily.

"Acacia is the youngest, you turd," Remington said and they both started to shove at each other, Emerson soon tackling and pinning Remington to the van floor face down, making Remington yelp as Emerson sat in his back, snickering evilly.

"Alright, knock it off, both of you!" I snapped, making them stop and look up at me.

Remington then got up and knocked Emerson off him, making everyone laugh as I rolled my eyes.



Once I got my phone and charger I head towards the elevator and go in, checking my messages when suddenly as the door closes...

"Whoa, hold the elevator," a voice said and I see a hand stopped doors from closing.

That's when they opened and Andy slipped in.

"Oh," I sighed quietly

I know we're touring with him, but can't I just go a single day without running into him? Is that really too much to ask??

"Good morning to you, too, Acacia," he greeted with a slight sigh as he walked in with two large luggage bags.

"Hi, Andy," I said, looking down as the elevator closed.

"Thought you guys were done packing," he said.

"I forgot my phone, so I came back for it," I said.

"Ahh," he said. "I was just getting our luggage down."

"They have carts to take them all," I said.

"Apparently they had bit of a shortage since some are being repaired," He said. "So, its back and forth trips for everyone."

I was going to say something when all of a sudden the elevator shook and then stopped, the lights going off as I quickly gripped the rail to steady myself.

"W-What just happened?" I asked nervously as suddenly Andy's phone flashlight turned on and he looked around.

"I don't know," he said, pressing some of the the elevator buttons, then the red one. "Looks like we're stuck."

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