Chapter 19: Where Is The Boom?

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Today was the final day of tour and despite the chaos and looking forward to finally being home, I was also sad that this came to an end.

Once we're home, my brothers will of course stay for a while, but then they'll be back to recording and their usual lives and such.

I understand that its their job, and the Council needs them, but I can't help but miss them so much when they're gone.

The good thing is that I always know they'll come back either way.

Right now I was helping at the merch table with Austin, folding some shirts.

"Done with these," I said, holding up the stack of Cudgy shirts. "Where did you want them?"

He looked over. "Hmmm.... I was thinking in the middle, next to the make up palettes. They both sell a lot," he shrugged.

"Okay.... Then let's add the sunglasses next to them, too," I suggested, going over and setting up the visual I had in my head. "Like this."

"Nice," He smiled and I handed him a red pair of sunglasses.

"And this can go for our beret head," I smiled, making him laugh and adding it with a black beret.

"Meanwhile, I'll sport my own," I smiled, putting on the white sunglasses.

"I'll be the photographer for Insta," he chimed, taking out his phone.

"You sure?" I giggled.

"Ummm helloooooo, my boyfriend photographs Motionless in White, remember?" he sassed.

"True," I said with a giggle and nod, then made a funny pose as I tilted my glasses down, then grabbed a red Royal Council beret.

"Work it... Work it.... Work it....!" Austin laughed in a funny voice as I kept making funny poses and faces, laughing. "You're doing amazing, sweetheart!!! Fabulous!!"

I giggled as he kept snapping pictures before his smile suddenly fell and he looked behind me.

I frowned and turned around, surprised at who stood there.

"Andy..." I said, taking off the sunglasses and beret.

"S-Sorry to interrupt the session," he said awkwardly.

"And yet, you still did," Austin mumbled quietly as I put the beret and sunglasses aside.

"Uhh, Acacia, can... Can we talk?" Andy asked.

I pursed my lips before looking at Austin. "I mean..."

"Its okay, you can go," he assured me, waving it off. "Not much left to do here anyway. I got it covered."

I sighed and nodded.

"However," Austin added, walking over and pointing a finger at Andy's face. "One little hair out of place on the princess's head, and let's just say my good friends, Phelicia and Odie, have 2 fully grown dobermans that can outrun your gazelle legs in 3 seconds just with a head start, 2 without one."

Andy looked at him a little scared as Austin smiled innocent and patted his cheek.

"Keep that in mind," he said, walking back to work on the merch table.

"Traaaaash," he whispered at me as he passed me by, making me shush him quietly with a scold before facing Andy.

Andy gulped nervously as I sighed and just grabbed his jacket sleeve and tugged him over with me.

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