Chapter 25: Tonight is the Night I Die

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⚠️Warning: The following chapter contains scenes depicting violence (especially against women), and scenes depicting near death. If affected by any of this, please read with caution. ⚠️



After a few days, almost a week, talking about it, I decided to talk to Andy about what happened.

I was off from school and work today so I was able to go today.

We agreed to avoid anyone watching to just go to the park near my house that has a hiking trail I sometimes jog at in the weekends.

Its pretty secluded, so it gives us enough privacy to talk by ourselves.

My brothers had some errands to run today, since they are heading back to Los Angeles soon, and my mom had to work so I was pretty much on my own for the day.

Shy was covering for me in case anyone asked where I was, so I took an Uber there since its a bit of a far walk despite being close to my house (I usually take my bike there and then park my bike and walk or jog, or just bike ride, depending what my mood is).

I wore some simple jeans with white sneakers and a white crop top since it was warm outside, one of Rem's red flannel shirts wrapped around my waist, a hair band on my head.

I waited around on a bench near the start of the trail. I also bought us each a water bottle.

I then looked over and saw Andy walk over, dressed in black jeans with a KISS tshirt and some boots.

I stood up, feeling nervous as he approached me.

"Hey...." he said, also looking a bit nervous as he stood in front of me, tall as always.

"H-Hi...." I said, looking down at our feet.

"So, umm... Shall we?" he asked.

I nodded as I looked up a bit and we headed into the trail.

I then handed him one of the bottle.

"Here... Its pretty hot out today, you gotta stay hydrated..." I said.

He gave a small smile and nodded. "Thanks."

We walked for a while, pretty much just admiring the scenery.

"So... How are things with the restraining order?" he asked, but then looked like he was mentally kicking himself for asking.

I guess he's been trying to come up with a way to start a conversation and went with that...

"I-Its fine... Its been filed and sent, so he now can't get close to me or my loved one for the next 10 years or he gets jail time," I said.

He nodded in understanding.

"How are your legal things going on your end?" I decided to ask him.

He pursed his lips as we walked.

"Juliet is being pretty stubborn, so we're pretty much taking it to court I think.... We're all keeping things hushed until its official..... I don't really know what's going to happen, but I just want this to end already," he said sadly.

I frowned, then reached up and patted his back.

"You'll get through it," I assured him.

He smiled down at me as we continued to walk.

We soon arrived to a small clearing used as a rest stop before Andy finally spoke.

"So, ummm.. I'm really sorry about... Y-You know...." he said, trying to find the words as we stopped.

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