Two Words...Can Change Everything

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"Wake her up...WAKE HER THE FUCK UP!" I was awoken by a cold splash of water hitting me. I gasped. There were chunks of ice in the water too. I tasted blood and my face hurt more than anything. Especially where my nose was. I moved a shaky hand to my face and felt around for it but was yanked up by the collar of my shirt. I gagged and was thrown back down. It was Ben who was hovering over me, and I panicked. "Sleep well, bitch?" He asked lighting a cigarette. Well it looks like him quitting didn't last long. He lit it and took a drag. "It's just you and me now, Gemma..." Ben circled me, flicking ashes in my face. "I hear that you're pregnant...Am I right?" I couldn't tell him. He was my ex and he had no right to know anyways! "ANSWER ME!" He leaned down and yelled in my face. I jumped. He spit in my face and I started crying. "Beeeen! Please!" I cried and he kneeled down. "Huh?! You gonna cry! ALL YOU EVER FUCKING DID WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER WAS CRY!"  My chest jumped as I sobbed. "Th-This is wrong! Please! Y-You don't want to kill a you?" Ben's smile was just so evil. I saw him take the half smoked cigarette from his mouth and point it facing down. "Try o fucking and I promise I'll get a fucking cost hanger and a goddamned vacuum cleaner and take the little shit out myself." I felt a burn on my wrist and I screamed. He covered my mouth. "SHUT UP!" He kept burning me and guys dressed in orange came out of nowhere. There was only one light in the room of gray. Like I was in a basement. "Tie her down! She's mine!" They held my arms down and grabbed rope. "NO!" I screamed. They tied a thick rope so my forearms were tied to my thighs and put my on my hands and knees. I heard the clinging of a belt. Ben's belt. The one I got him. I was too weak to fight anyone off. " for all your pathetic excuses of a whore girlfriend I had..." And from those life...nearly ended.

It was in the middle of the night when I shot up in bed, sweating like crazy from my nightmare. Gemma was in it...screaming my name. "TOMMY!!! TOMMY!!" I rubbed my soaked face and put my elbows on my knees. "Fuck..." I got out of bed and went into the shower. I got in and ran just the hot water. I let it fall over me and the bathroom steamed up pretty fast. I couldn't get that pretty girl out of my mind. I loved her to bits. She made me now. Fuck! I leaned on the shower wall. I could get her dad out to make her happy...I really could. But in reality my ass could get busted. It was just shit. I should have kept my damned mouth shut. I would probably still have her. I felt my heart rip apart in my chest. I slid down the wall and let the tears fall. "Oh Gemma baby...I'm so sorry. I-I know I'm not perfect. I know what I said was a dick move but please...I'm sorry..."

DJ: Hey Angels. This was a pretty sad chapter to writeI hope it was still enjoyable doe! :) You know the drill right? O.o Good :D I'm gonna go relax by chatting with a few of you guys and play Some Skyrim. Also, if you don't know I will be starting an Edward Scissorhands story. :) As soon as boo (you know who you are hehe) makes me a cover <3 Have a great day guys!

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