The Day With Doug.

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I looked at Tom, who was staring at me blankly. "Baby, I don't know what you're talking about." He said, laughing nervously. I was angry. I can't believe I have been lied to for this long, and to the guy that took my virginity! "Tom I saw your badge! You're a cop!" I threw his wallet at him and it hit him in his good shoulder. "Look, Gemma...let's talk about this." I crossed my arms. "I looked through your wallet and saw your license and your police badge. There is nothing else to say. Do you even care that you lied to me?! That you fucking hurt me?!" Tears were forming in my eyes. "I gave myself to you! I trusted you! I even loved you and still do!" He was just staring at me. "Answer me, Tommy!" I wasn't going to take this lying shit anymore. I did it with Ben, and I refuse to do it with the first guy that I truly loved. "Look baby...I'm sorry I lied to you. I know it was wrong." "Why did you do it?" I asked more calmly. Tom began to stutter. "I...I have to do it for my job. I have to, baby. Please don't do this. Please don't blow my cover to your dad!" His amazing brown eyes were now sad and worried. I put my face in my hands. Tom was right. If I told daddy, then that means that he will want to kill Tom. Then he will come to me and know that I had kept his cover a secret. I sat on the bed. "Shit Tommy...what do we do?" Tom moved closer to me and rested his cheek on the back of my right shoulder. "Just don't tell anyone about my cover." I nodded.

Over the course of two days, Tom told me that Harry and Dennis were also like him. They were apart of something that was for undercover cops. Tom also told me that there was one at school and that her name was Judy. I was glad that Tommy was coming out to me, but now I have lost all the trust I had for him. "How old are you?" I asked him as he stroked my hair. "I'm twenty-four years old." I sighed. There was a big gap in ages, but at least now I knew the truth, right? I continued to let him stroke my hair. "Do you still love me?" He asked softly. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were glossed over. Was he about to cry? No...he can't cry. He's a man and men don't cry. "I-I still do love you, but I won't love you if you lie to me. I'm tired of being lied to, Tommy. I told you about Ben and the others..." I sat up and he held his hand to my left cheek. "I know, Gemma and I'm sorry for what you've been through. I'm sorry for making you so stressed lately. All I want is to make you happy're all I have left to give love to, baby. I don't know why those assholes treated you the way they did, but I know now that you just want someone to hold you when things get bad. I will be that person ba-" I silenced him with a kiss to his soft, warm lips. I pulled away slow and he had a goofy grin displayed on his face. "I get the point, Tommy." I giggled. He grinned. "Thank you."

A few days later, Tom was discharged from the hospital. His arm was in an arm sling and Doug was to drive us to some place called the Chapel. Doug was driving Tom's Mustang while Tom and I were in the back. I was cuddled into his chest with my arm draped over it. I would finally know what my own boyfriend has been up to.

After a little drive, the 'Stang parked in front of a brick building. I looked around at it and Doug let us out of the back seat. Tom wasn't able to drive for a few weeks, which means he would have to lay off of work too. "Hey Doug, why don't you take Gemma out while I sort things out with Fuller?" I looked at Doug as we got out of the back and Doug nodded. He looked at me. "Someone told me you like sushi." I grinned widely. "I love sushi!" I screamed. It was so unexpected that my boyfriend's best friend was going to take me out for lunch. After Tom went inside the building, Doug and I went off to walk along the sidewalk. "So are you from around here?" I asked Doug. Doug shook his head. "I'm from Brooklyn, actually. Are you from around here?" He asked me as we took a turn. I nodded. "I was probably conceived here." I said jokingly and Doug laughed too. His laugh was kinda cute. I felt a chill coke up my spine and I shivered. "Ooh damn. Are you cold?" I shook my head, lying. "N-No Doug I-" It was too late because Doug had already put his jacket around my shoulders. "It's cold. I don't want my best friend's girl to freeze." I smiled and thanked him.

Later Doug and I were eating sushi at a little Japanese restaurant. He was actually really funny and open with me. I thought it was really cute that when Doug was a little kid he owned a red tricycle. I giggled at the jokes Doug told me too. "This is the best sushi I have ever had." I told him, sipping the tea that I ordered. "Thank you. I found this place one night when the pizzeria was closed downtown. I walked in and got the same order you got and just fell in love. I think it's the soy sauce they used." I agreed with him. "Well whatever it is, it's amazing. Thank you for taking me out this afternoon while Tommy us getting used to work again." We both stood together after he paid for the bill. "No no anytime. Tom wanted me to take you out and I did. Anything to make my best friend's girl happy." God he was so sweet. I smiled as he started walking me back to the Chapel, which I learned was the place where the undercover cops in high schools would work. We were standing outside the door now. "Wow I had fun." I told him, giggling. He smiled at me. "Me too. I hope we can do it again sometime, right?" I nodded. "I'd love to, Doug." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. We went inside and Tom was at his desk. Wait...I came here with Tom?

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