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The next morning I opened my eyes and felt for Tommy. There was a blank space where he was laying last night and I sat up slightly. "Tommy?" I called. Then I heard the faint sound of running water coming from the room beside me and I smiled. He was showering. I got out of bed and stretched, my hair a mess. Then I remember what I saw last night back at the hideout and it made me sit down. My back was leaning against the bedframe and I was hugging my knees. I was having flashbacks...bad flashbacks. I was shaking now, realizing that Daddy wasn't in the group that got killed. Then I heard that bathroom door open and Tom stood with a towel wrapped around his waist. He kneeled down in front of me and I came into contact with his chest. "Gemma, are you ok?" Tom asked softly. I looked up into his eyes and smiled a little. "Yes Tommy. I'm fine." He smiled his crooked grin and it made me feel better. "Tommy..." I hugged his neck. Tom's arms went around my waist and I put my face in his shoulder. His aftershave smelled so nice. "We need to find Daddy." I whisped. I felt Tom nod and I pulled away, my arms still around his neck. "I think I know who has him, but I'm not for sure." I stated. Tom pulled me up and we stood together. "Get dressed and you can tell me where he is ok. I invited Harry and Dennis over so that all four of us can find him together." I pecked his lips and we started to dress in front of one another. Goddamn his body was so amazing. After I dressed I was doing my hair. I didn't have a brush so I had to run my fingers through my hair until I didn't feel anymore tangles. Tom came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close so my back was to his chest. It reminded me of yesterday at the bowling alley. "You look beautiful today, Gemma." He whispered. I looked into his eyes in the mirror and felt safe. Then I heard the doorbell ring and Tom kissed me. "Be right back. Just sit tight." He left and got the door and I followed him into the living room. Tom opened the door and Harry was standing there with Dennis. It made me feel nervous. "Hey guys come in." Tom invited our friends in and allowed them to sit on the couch. "Beers?" I asked my boyfriend. Tom nodded and I went into the kitchen to grab four beers out of the fridge. I brought them back and handed them out, keeping one for myself. I sat beside Tom. I looked at Harry and Dennis. "Gemma, we really need to talk to you." Harry said first. I looked at Tom then back at our friends. "Um...o-ok." I spoke nervously.  Tom put his hand on my thigh for support. Dennis leaned back and opened his beer. "Listen Gemma, we think that your dad got taken by Flamers." My heart stopped. "Wh-What? No. No you're wrong. Daddy is tough and wouldn't let anyone touch him." Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead. "We only think the Flamers got ahold of him. Where you there when all of...that...happened?" I shook my head. "Tom took my out for pizza and bowling." All of the sudden both of them turned and looked at Tom. What is all that about? "Can we talk to you outside, Tom?" Dennis said in a rough tone. Tom hesitated for a moment. "Y-Yeah. Sure." They all three left and went outside while I was left inside to think. Then I heard: "GET DOWN!" and there were ringing gunshots. I stood up quick as I knew those familiar shots. "Tom!" I yelled. I rushed to the door and was about to open it when Dennis came in. "Get down! Get the fuck down!" He commanded at me. I shook my head. "I want Tom!" I yelled. The shots suddenly stopped and Harry came in with Tom dangling over him. His white shirt was soaked in gray and I panicked. "Tommy no!" I took Tom and we sat on the floor with his head on my lap. "Call an ambulance now!"

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