How It All Began...

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When you're four, you never remember much when you're that small. You barely remember the show that you watched on TV or even the toys you played with. When I was four, I didn't have any toys, nor did I have a TV to even watch any shows. What I do my mother dying right in front of me. I remember seeing the color red for the last time that day and it was her blood. Now, I just see gray when red appears in my vision. Enough of my problems though. My name is Gemma Quinn Spade, and I am a fifteen year old sophomore, although I am not only a sophomore. I am also the daughter of Ace Nigma Spade. Well, if you haven't had your face in a newspaper for the last decade, my father is the leader of the badass gang called The Ace of Spades. I go to school at Sykesville High School in a little suburb of California. Our school colors are Orange, silver, and black, but they should be red, black, and white because the Ace of Spades run that school pretty much. Daddy stays at the hideout with his financial advisor Denny and they count the money that we've earned from bartering, drug deals, or just downright murders. I don't have many friends at Sykesville High because some are too afraid to even ask me for a pencil. All that I have is Harry and Denis who constantly follow me around. They're like my bodyguards and they sit by me at lunch, in classrooms, and they even stand outside the bathroom when I have to use it. Scary right? Well of course. They follow me around to protect me from any Flamers that walk past me. Oh you don't know what Flamers are, do you? Well Flamers are what the Spades call are rival gang "The Streak of Flames". They are the second baddest gang in the state of California and Daddy believes that they were the ones that killed mom. It would make since because before I saw the masked man slit my mother's throat, out hideout was engulfed in flames. I felt a tear crawl down my cheek and Dennis saw it. "Hey. What seems to be the problem?" He asked. I had forgotten that I was at lunch and the hamburger that was on my plate was staring at me. "Ugh these fucking onions, man." I pushed the burger away and Harry laughed. "Here I'll eat it." His dangly, gray bracelet dangled down from his right wrist as he picked up the burger. People were so damn loud at lunch and I could feel tension build in me. Something bad is going to happen. I leaned back and looked down the table to see two of my gang members arguing. I pushed my black hair with white streaks out of my face and I stood. As always, my two monkies followed me. I went to both of them. "Hey! What the hell is going on here?!" I shouted. Every member on the table stood up as respect. "'re sorry for..." "Sorry? For disrupting my beautiful meal? You know that I like to eat my burger on Hamburger Friday!" I got in their face. Yes, I was 4'11 but my size didn't matter to them. "Listen...we're sorry for arguing, Gem." The member on the left said looking down. Then the bell rang and everyone left the lunch room quick. The two assholes stayed. "I wanna see you two in my dad's office after school!" They understood and quickly left. Now it was time for Geometry class.

School ended quick and I was leaning against Harry's black car, smoking a cigarette. For once, they weren't right next to me. They claimed that they had business to take care of. As I took a drag fromy cigarette and couldn't wait to go to the hideout and tell dad what those two arguing members were doing. That was when Harry came up and said, "Hey, Dennis got really sick and is seeing the school nurse." I laughed. "Ah, Dennis is being a pussy, isn't he?" I flicked my cigarette and Harry agreed as usual. He drove me to the hideout and I rushed inside to see Daddy sitting behind his old desk having some whisky. I jumped on his lap. "Hi Daddy!" When I was around him, it was like I was a constant little kid. I mean, if you had one parent you would feel the same way believe me. "I've missed you so much." He said deeply. I grinned and climbed off his lap. "I hear that Larry and Dawson nearly got into a fight at school?" I nodded. "It was over that stupid bitch Amber, Daddy. You know how she can't decide if she wants Dawson or Larry to be inside her." "Hey! Watch your language young lady!" He shouted and I out my hands on my bare hips. "But it's true! Amber drapes over him like a curtain on a window! You and I both know that." He stood with his whisky. Dad was a black haired, 6'2 man that scared me when he stood. "Now listen here, Gemma. I do know how she acts but you do NOT say that about Dawson! Is that understood?....I said is that-" "Yes! I got you the first time. Look, I have 'homework' to do. I'll see if Dennis wants to get pizza for the guys tonight." I hugged him and it was like hugging a fleshy tree. I went up to my room and grabbed a bag of Alabama Slam and rolled a joint. There was nothing as good as lighting up on Thursday before the final night before the end of the working week. So yes, I am in that badass gang. Wasn't my father any proof? Wasn't all of us dressed in...gray...anything that didn't throw out signals? So if you're curious on how I got converted from being that bad girl to the good? Let me tell you about Tommy...

DJ: Hello! :D So I haven't really slept tonight so I am updating stories and appearantly starting a new one as well! Here is the story for HighnessAloisTrancy and I hope that you enjoy it, girl because I have a feeling this will be a good one

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