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Sowon's POV

I felt happy waiting for Eunha in front of the school gate. I am excited to go to school everyday because of her. The bullying still continues but it was not worst unlike before. The students will just bumped at me and made me tripped almost everyday but it was better unlike before that they will splash juice or water on me, locked me in a washroom's cubicle or put trashes inside my locker. Maybe, it was all because of Eunha. I am so happy that she came into my life.

"Sowon unnie!"

I saw Eunha running excitedly to me. I smiled at her cause she looks like an excited kid. She stopped running then smiled.

"Good morning, Eunha. You look so excited today." I said smiling at her.

"I am just happy to saw your pretty face, Sowon unnie." Eunha said.

I blushed at her and put my right hand on her waist. We entered the school while chatting and laughing at our lame jokes. I am so happy in everything we do even to simple things. She's everything to me and I hope, we will always be together.

"Are you happy with me, Sowon unnie?" Eunha asked when we stopped walking on the hallway.

I wonder why she always asked me that question. Isn't it obvious already? I looked straight in her eyes then smiled. "Yes, I am. I am always happy whenever I am with you, Jung Eunha."

"Really? Then, let me improve your looks, Sowon unnie." Eunha said and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean, Eunha-ya?"

Eunha smiled then hold both of my hands. I blushed once more and smiled sweetly at her. "You are beautiful, Sowon unnie. It doesn't matter if you like that style but...I just want you to have more confidence. I just don't want others to laugh and insult you again because of how you dress. I want others to saw the real beauty in you, Sowon unnie." She said sweetly making my heart melts. 

Whenever we're together, I can't count the times she made me smile, laugh and blush. She can make me happy even in simple things she do. My heart is always jumping like crazy every time she's near me.

"Let's do a total makeover of you, Sowon unnie. Let's do it this coming Saturday. I won't take no as an answer." Eunha said making me shocked. 

Total makeover? Yerin asked me to do that before but I object her idea because I'm comfortable in what I look and wear. But with Eunha, I can never say no.

"O-Okay, Eunha."


I am nervously waiting for Eunha inside a mall. Today is Saturday and my total makeover will happen today. I tried to relax when I saw Eunha entering the mall. She looks so pretty in her knee-length blue dress. She saw me standing in one corner near the entrance so she walked closer to me.

"Good morning, Sowon unnie. Are you excited for your total makeover today?" Eunha asked me with her pretty smile. I relaxed cause of her smile and nodded at her.

"Yes, Eunha. I am ready."

"Then, let's go. I am so excited to see Kim Sojung 2.0. I'm sure she will be the most beautiful girl inside the school after today." Eunha said and I smiled shyly at her. She hold my right hand and interlocked our fingers together. We stare on each others eyes lovingly and smiled.

I will change for you, Eunha. I want to be worthy for you, my princess.


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