The Deal

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Eunha's POV

I sighed as I looked down the building. I am on the rooftop deck looking down, I can see Sowon unnie being chased on the campus again while some of the students are throwing crumpled papers on her. I want to go down and protect her from those bullies again but I am waiting and need to talk with someone in this rooftop now.

The door opened and I looked behind me. I saw Sinb walking closer to me, she stopped walking then looked down the railing.

"Poor Sowon-ssi. She's smart but stupid sometimes. She can tell her dad about this bullying games but she never did so she deserve this." Sinb said with a smirk on her face. I glared at her. I can't believe that my old bestfriend is so heartless now.

"Why are you doing this? Why you became so heartless now, Sinb? Where is my old bestfriend?" I asked her and she looked at me while glaring.

"Your old bestfriend is gone since the day you left me all alone, Eunha unnie." Sinb said giving pain in my heart. She can't understand that it is not my choice to leave her but my parents.

After her mother died, our families friendship was gone cause her father changed a lot. My parents told me that we need to change place and start our new life again away from Sinb's father. I don't want to leave Sinb all alone but I'm still a kid that time so I just followed what my parents told me to do. We left our old place without even saying goodbye to Sinb. Eight years had passed when I've learned that this school is owned by Sinb's father and decided to study here despite of my parents disapproval. I just want to bring back my friendship with Sinb but she changed a lot. I learned that she's a spolied brat who loves doing bullying games with any students she wants in this school. Since then, I regret studying in this school until I met Yuju. She became my bestfriend and I fell in love with her making me forget about my plan to befriend Sinb again.

"You are right. You are no longer my old bestfriend and I don't like who you are now, Sinb." I said looking straight in her eyes. She looked away from me.

"You could have changed me. You could have bring our old friendship back if you just tried hard. If only you accepted my feelings before. Maybe...we can finally change everything between us." Sinb said and I noticed there were tears threatening to fall down from her eyes. She's right in everything she said. I didn't try hard to fix our broken friendship and I even dumped her when she confessed her feelings to me during her freshman days. I didn't try hard to fix her broken self.

"I'm sorry, Sinb. I didn't try hard to fix our broken friendship and I dumped you before because..."

"You fell in love with your new bestfriend named Choi Yuju." Sinb finished my sentence and she's right. Yuju is my new bestfriend now and I love her. I just focused myself in my feelings for Yuju that I forgot about Sinb. I thought that I don't need Sinb anymore since I have Yuju now.

"Is that the reason why you're punishing me? You told me to make Sowon unnie fall in love with me in exchange of Yuju's scholarship. If you really hate me, punished me alone. Leave Sowon unnie and Yuju alone." I begged at Sinb.

I am tired with all of this shit. I hate hurting Yuju with my secret dates with Sowon unnie and I hate fooling Sowon unnie that I am honestly in love with her. I don't want to hurt anyone of them but I have no other choice but to do this so this bullying games will all stop.

"Are you tired now, Eunha unnie? If you want to quit in our game, you can. But I can promise you that Sowon-ssi and Yuju-ssi's lives in this school will be their worst nightmares ever." Sinb threatened and I know she can do it.

I shook my head then kneeled down in front of her. I should not do this but I really want this deal of us to finally be over. "Stop doing this, Sinb. Just punish me and leave Sowon unnie and Yuju alone."

"What? Don't tell me you're falling with Sowon-ssi now?" Sinb said making me shock. 

No, I don't like Sowon unnie. She's just my friend and she's a nice person that's why I'm helping her and protecting her from those bullies. I'm not in love with her.

"I only love Yuju but Sowon unnie is already my friend so I don't want to lie to her anymore. Please, let's end our deal now, queenbee." I said looking up at Sinb.

"I already told you the reason why I am doing this bullying games with Sowon-ssi. You are helping me with my plan against her,right? If my plan succeed, you can finally break up with that nerd and I promise not to mess with Yuju-ssi and you anymore." Sinb leaned down to me then whispered on my ear. " Just do this for me. This can also be your chance to fix our broken friendship, Eunha unnie. Just help me in my bullying games with Sowon-ssi until I've had enough."

I bit my lower lip trying hard to stop crying out loud. Sinb doesn't deserve seeing me in my pathetic state but I don't care anymore. I really want to finally stop this stupid crazy deal of us.

This bullying game is not fun. It's killing me inside almost everyday. It's not easy that I need to hurt Sowon unnie just to save Yuju's scholarship and fix my broken friendship with Sinb. I hate this situation. A situation that I need to hurt someone just to save others. I don't want to hurt Sowon unnie but... I have no other choice.

'I'm so sorry, Sowon unnie.'


Author's Note: This is not a flashback chapter, okay? I just give some enlightenment about Eunha's connection in Sinb's bullying games. I know you are all curious why Sinb hates Sowon. Just continue reading this story and stay tuned for more updates. Kekeke. Thanks.

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