Run Away

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Eunha's POV

I smiled bitterly as I watched the sun slowly hide itself in the horizon. I am currently at the sea side sitting on the sand and watching the sunset. I always watched the sunrise and sunset whenever I can cause it keeps on telling me that the world won't stop spinning for me. I keep on blaming myself and crying over my painful past since the first day I stepped my feet on this beautiful island. The world won't stop spinning for me so it means, my life will continue and I have no other choice but to live it the best I can. There's no point of crying over and over again, my tears could never bring back the old times. Past is past and what matters now is how I live my present to have a bright future someday.

"Why are you always doing some reflections? Aren't you getting tired of thinking about your past over and over again?"

I heard someone talked but just ignored it. I felt someone sat beside me and I already know who he is.

"Eunha, stop blaming yourself. It wasn't all your fault."

I smiled and looked at the person sitting beside me. I saw Kyung oppa smiling at me. He's my senior at the High School I'm currently attending now here at Jeju Island. I choose to run away from Seoul and decided to just stay here at Jeju Island since I have some relatives here. I'm still living alone as my parents gave me enough money to find my own apartment unit here in Jeju Island. I enjoyed living alone cause I know to myself that I really need more time for myself. I have new friends but my loneliness is making my broken heart heal little by little.

"Don't worry, Kyung oppa, I already stopped blaming myself from my painful past. I've realized that there's no point of keeping on blaming myself over and over again cause I am only human. I am not perfect and just prone in making mistakes. What's important is I already forgive myself from making mistakes. All I need to do is to learn from my errors and move on."

I smiled after I said those words. It wasn't easy for me to run away and leave my friends behind. I know I've been such a coward for doing that but I don't regret doing that anymore. I've learned a lot here in Jeju island and I met new people. I'm happy here now and I already leave my past behind.

"I'm glad that you are fine now, Eunha. Unlike before that I can always see you crying your heart out in front of this sea. I'm happy that you finally let go of your painful past."

Kyung oppa said and smiled at me. I remember the first time he saw me crying here. He gave me a handkerchief and try to tell me some funny jokes to make me smile and lessen the burden in my heart. I suddenly remembered the first time I talked with Sowon unnnie at the rooftop, I gave her a handkerchief too and help her to hide from those bullies. I smiled as I remembered Sowon unnie's pretty face. Her memories are enough for me to make me smile everyday.

"You're smiling like an idiot again. Are you thinking about your first love again?" Kyung oppa asked.

" I remember Sowon unnie."

"The nerd and the victim of the bullying games of your past school's queenbee?"

Kyung oppa asked and I nodded at him. He became my trusted friend here at Jeju Island. He always listen to my problems and became my crying shoulder. I already told him about my old school, the queenbee's bullying games, my love for my bestfriend Yuju and my pretense love for Sowon unnie that becomes reality. Yes, I already know to myself that I'm finally over Yuju and Sowon unnie is the one who owns my heart now but...I just told myself to stay away from her. I already accepted the fact that I don't deserve Sowon unnie's love. She deserves a better person than me. I already let her go for her own good. Letting her go means come to the realization that she's part of my history, but not a part of my destiny.

" are still in love with her, Eunha?" I heard Kyung oppa asked again.

I smiled bitterly " Yes, Kyung oppa. But...I don't want to be part of her world again. I keep on praying for her to find her own happiness."

"So you think, you can never be her happiness?"

"Yes. No matter how hard I try to think about us, I always come up to the conclusion that I don't deserve her. I am willing to suffer alone as long as she will finally find the person that is more worthy for her love. It's so sad that...that person will never be me."

I smiled again while looking at the horizon. I felt a cold splash of water and I glared at Kyung oppa that is now in the sea and splashing waters on me.

"Stop doing drama, Eunha. Just take a bath cause you stink already."

"Yah. That's not true, Park Kyung!"

He laughed making me pout and run closer to him. I splashed sea water on him too and our water war started. We just laughed and stopped when we get tired. We both lay down the sand feeling tired.

"Eunha, even if you still love Sowon-ssi, you will no longer fight for her? Are you giving up on her easily? I think you don't really love her that much."

I elbowed Kyung oppa's stomach making him whined in pain.

"That's not true. I love Sowon unnie too much that's why I can make sacrifice for her. I give up on her because I really love her and I want her to find the happiness that she truly deserves. I am content thinking that she's happy with someone else now cause she deserves it."

"What about you? Are you really okay?"

I took a long deep breath and just looked at the sky before smiling to myself. I know I am lying to myself that I will be fine without Sowon unnie in my life but I need to endure all this pain for her. I can't take it if I can saw her crying over me again. Sowon unnie has a beautiful smile that can light up the galaxies in the universe that's why I'm content with my loneliness now. Just thinking about Sowon unnie's face is enough for me.

"I'm fine, Kyung oppa. I will be fine and I should be fine for her. All I need is time, more time to fix my broken self."

"Then let me help you. Let me fix you, Jung Eunha."

I heard Kyung oppa said and I looked at him. He smiled at me and leaned his face closer to mine. I was shocked cause I thought he will kiss my lips but felt relieved when he just kissed my forehead before looking back at me and smiled again.

"Let me fix you. I know you are strong enough to do that alone but...let me help you."

I just smiled at Kyung oppa and pinched both of her cheeks before we both laughed. I know he's just teasing me because he' s a player and I will never be his victim.


I went out the elevator and walked my way to my own unit. I'm now inside the apartment building I'm currently staying at when I noticed a girl standing in front of my unit's door.

"Excuse me, miss. Do you need something?"

I asked the girl back facing me. I don' t expect any visitor today so I'm curious who is this girl and what is she doing in front of my unit. The girl turn around and faced me. She looked straight into my eyes and my heart felt nervous as I saw her face again.

What is she doing here? How did she find me? I was about to say something when she suddenly hugged me so tight while crying.

"Pabo-ya. Why did you run away, Jung Eunha? I...I missed you."

I smiled bitterly and return her hug. My eyes started crying again and we both cried in each others arms again.

End of Eunha's POV


Author's Note: Eunha run away and start her new life at Jeju Island but a secret visitor found her again. Who is she? Wait for the next update, okay? kekeke. Thanks for reading.

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