I'm Sorry

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Yerin's POV

I heard Sowon unnie coughing as she reads something in her laptop. I know she still have a fever but she still went to school today. Yuju looked at her worriedly making me confused. I was about to asked Yuju something when she suddenly talked with Sowon unnie.

"Are you okay, Sowon unnie? Are you not feeling well?" Yuju asked but Sowon unnie just smiled at her before coughing again.

I sighed and stand up walking closer to Sowon unnie. I closed her laptop and she looked at me confused.

"Yerin-ah. What are you doing?" Sowon unnie asked confused.

"Stop being stubborn and just go home, Sowon unnie. You need to go home now and rest. Leave this work to Yuju and I, we can do it." I said serioisly.


"No more buts. Now go home and rest. Go to school when your fever is already gone." I said seriously at her and she just sighed.

"Yerin unnie is right. You need to go home and rest now, Sowon unnie. Don't worry, Yerin unnie and I can finish this work today." Yuju said concerned.

I really want to ask Yuju why I saw her with Eunha-ssi last time when I know that Eunha-ssi will meet Sowon unnie that night. I just sighed and just help Sowon unnie stand up. I already called her driver to pick her up so after her service came and took Sowon unnie home, there's only one person who I really want to talk right now. I knocked on the Campus Journalism office door and Umji opened the door.

"Yerin unnie? Do you need something?" Umji asked cutely.

"Ah...I just want to talk with Eunha-ssi. Tell her this is something important." I said trying hard to stay serious. I really want to pinch Umji's cheeks.

"Okay. Just wait here, Yerin unnie."

Umji walked away from me and I heard her called Eunha-ssi. After a while, Eunha-ssi stand in front of me.

"Yerin-ssi, do you need something?" Eunha-ssi asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but... this is important. I need to talk to you about Sowon unnie."

Eunha-ssi frowned before she walked out the office and closed the door. We walked away from the office and stand in one corner.

"What about Sowon unnie?" Eunha-ssi asked confused. I frowned cause she looks innocent about what happened to Sowon unnie. I remember her backhugging Yuju last time while Sowon unnie is still waiting for her in the park. I want to get mad at her but I control myself.

"Don't you know that Sowon unnie is sick? She is sick because of you." I said looking straight in her eyes.

Eunha-ssi frowned then tilted her head. She really looks confused but I want to scold her and say a lot of things to her but I will leave all the nagging she deserves to Sowon unnie.

"What? Why is she sick? And why is it because of me?" Eunha-ssi asked making me glared at her.

"Yah. Stop acting like you don't know what happened last Saturday. You messaged her to wait for you in the park at 8 pm but you never came. Sowon unnie still wait for you even a heavy rain poured that night but still you didn't come. What happened? If you couldn't meet her that night because you're enjoying your movie date with Yuju, you should at least texted Sowon unnie to go home and stop waiting for you!" I raised my voice at her. I don't want to get mad but I can't help it.

I know Eunha-ssi is kind but I don't understand why she let Sowon unnie waited for her when she can't meet her that night. I also blamed myself cause I forgot to call Sowon unnie that I saw Eunha-ssi with Yuju that night. I felt bad when I found out that Sowon unnie was sick because she stayed waiting for Eunha-ssi under the rain.

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