104. Free Day & Future panic

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🖤🖤Author: Hello my amazing
                   🎶Omega crew!!🎶
I'm not feeling great today so I hope this is okay! Also jumping off a moving car is not a good idea
so don't do it!🖤🖤

"Tomorrow me, Suga, Asahi and Kiyoko have to go to a career Assembly since were third years." Daichi said and put some food on his plate. "We'll be back pretty late so there won't be any practice tomorrow unless you want to do it here." He continued.

"What time are you going to be leaving?" Yachi asked.

"Six A.M we'll be back around eight P.M."Kiyoko replied.

"That's a long time." Yachi said sounding a bit sad.

Kiyoko patted her on the head.

"It'll go by fast." She said giving Yachi a smile.

After everyone had gotten done eating they all went into the Living room together to watch Tv, well everyone besides Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who had decided to "go to bed early."

Hinata ended up falling asleep with his head on Kageyama's lap. Kageyama decided to take him upstairs to their room and go to bed. Everyone else followed suit.
(End Recap)

The next day the third years all got up early and left to go to the career Assembly.
Kageyama woke up before Hinata and realized that it was still really early.  He tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. His head was racing with thoughts about the upcoming tournament. For some reason he couldn't shake the weird feeling he had gotten from that one in particular setter. Even if he was an omega, Kageyama didn't like the Way Hinata had stared at his picture or complemented his playing.

He knew he had no reason to feel this way or to be jealous. Atsumu was an omega... but he was also a setter. He didn't even feel this type of jealousy over Oikawa which was almost the same type of scenario, Oikawa just made him mad in general.

He sat up unable to stop his brain from thinking. He looked over to his small Orange haired Omega laying next to him, peacefully sleeping. He decided to get up and take a shower to clear his head. He got up and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the water and stepped into the shower.  He stood under the water letting it run over his head. He shut his eyes and pressed his forehead against the wall. Suddenly he felt something touch his back.

"Tobio?" He heard Hinata's voice say, sounding muffled from the water running over his head.

He turned to see Hinata behind him with a confused look on his face.

"I woke up and you were gone..... I heard the shower so I came in here." Hinata said, he sounded a cross between tired and sad.

Kageyama pulled him against his chest feeling a bit bad knowing that Hinata got worried when he'd wake up with out him there next to him.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to get a shower. I thought it would help." Kageyama said, he felt Hinata nuzzle his face into his chest.

He kissed the top of his head and turned the water off. He picked him up, stepped out of the shower and carried him back to their bed, where they snuggled and fell back asleep.

Ennoshita and Tanaka had both just woken up. Ennoshita was on the bed scrolling through various things on Pinterest. Tanaka was laying on his stomach watching tv.

Ennoshita scrolled past something that had reminded him of the day earlier, when Tanaka and Noya had come back from their neighbors laughing. He was still curious as to what had been so funny.

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