127. Always Protect you

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🖤🖤Author: Hello, my amazing
Omega crew!
Okay, so this is about Kageyama's Parents and kind of a back story on the Omega Program. I hope you enjoy it!🖤🖤

I helped write it woof!

Mea knights: Tobio's Mom (Alpha scent: black currents)

Akio Kageyama Tobio's dad (Omega scent: ocean breeze)

⚠️There's some abuse in this. I wasn't exactly sure where to put the warnings. It's not going to be too graphic. This is just a heads up.⚠️

Mea woke up early, excited to start her second year of high school at a new school. She was a bit nervous since she wasn't going to know anyone, but knowing that Karasuno offered the Omega Program made her excited. She ran downstairs, said goodby to her parents, and headed to her new school.

She stood anxiously in front of the school gates before heading to the main building. She took a breath and headed to the office, excited to see who she'd be paired with. In the office was a desk that had a lady sitting filing paperwork.

"Hello, my name is Mea Knights. I just transferred here," she happily said.

The lady looked up from her paperwork.

"You need your class schedule?" she asked

Mea nodded.

"And I'd like to be part of the Omega program."

The lady gave her a sympathetic look.

"Oh, I'm sorry since you registered late. Everyone has already been paired with someone. I'm sorry."

Mea felt disappointed as she nodded in response. The lady handed her the class Schedule and pointed her in the direction of the second-year building.

She let out a heavy sigh of frustration as she walked down the hall, looking for her classroom. She became a bit annoyed and frustrated when she realized she had gone the wrong way. She leaned against the wall and stared at the paper, then back to the hallway to see if she could figure out where to go.

Suddenly she smelt something that made a small amount of panic rush through her. The scent of Omega fear pheromones filled the hallway. Quickly she looked around to see where it was coming from. She realized most of the classrooms in the hallway were completely dark and empty.

She followed the scent to one room and tried to peek through the small square window on the door. The room was too dark to see anything, though.

She heard what sounded like a whimper coming from inside, along with a low and angry growl. She quickly put her hand on the knob to open the door only to find it was locked.  She resorted to the next best thing she banged on the door.

"We're fucking busy!" An angry voice yelled from the other side.

"Help," she heard a smaller and weaker voice that sounded like they were gasping for air. She felt her alpha instincts kick in, pretty much forcing her to find a way to get to the Omega that was in danger.

She realized that all the other classrooms in that hall seemed to be empty. She went into one that happened to be open, hoping she'd find something to help her. Luckily there was a set of keys laying on the desk. She grabbed them and ran back to the room. There were about eight different keys on the keychain, and she desperately tried every one of them, one by one. Finally, the sixth key did the trick, and she barged through the door and into the class, flipping the light switch so she could see the situation.

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