🖤🖤Author: Hello, my wonderful
🎶Omega crew!🎶
I hope you are all having a good day!!! Have you eaten? Prayed to Asahi? Murdered satan and taken over the underworld?🖤🖤☆𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹☆
Kiko let out a Relieved laugh and pointed to the stand that was next to the bed."The remote is in the top drawer, " she said. Kageyama reached over and took it out of the drawer.
Kiko smiled.
"Please don't scare me like that again. If you need me, then hit the button that says nurse on it, " she said and turned to walk back out of the room.
Kageyama hit the power button on the remote, and the tv came on, and ironically, there was a volleyball game on. Hinata moved to be sitting in between Kageyama's legs and rested his head against his chest. Kageyama put his arms around Hinata's waist, and they quietly watched the game.
☆𝓔𝓷𝓯 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹☆Kageyama Buried his face into Hinata's hair and kissed the top of his head.
"I love you, " he whispered.
"I love you too, " Hinata replied quietly.
They sat there quietly, continuing to watch the volleyball game. Kageyama could sense that Hinata seemed a bit tense.
"Are you worried about the surgery?" He asked.
Hinata nodded.
"A little, " he said
Kageyama held him a bit tighter. There was a knock at the door, followed by the doctor and the nurse coming in.
"I got the surgery scheduled for later this afternoon, around three. You won't be able to eat anything before, but you may have water." the doctor said as he came over to the bed with Kiko by his side with a tray of things to take some more blood work.
Hinata looked up at him, his face twisted into a sad and annoyed grimace.
"But I'm so hungry, " he said, a bit of a whine in his voice.
The doctor looked at him for a second, realizing he really hadn't had anything since the day before.
"I'm sorry, " he said in a sympathetic tone.
"We can ask Suga and Daichi to bring you some meat buns to eat after, "Kageyama said, hoping to cheer Hinata up a little.
"Okay, " Hinata said quietly.
The nurse walked around the bed to the side. So She could better reach Hinata's arm.
"We need some blood for lab work before the surgery," she said and motioned for Hinata's arm. Hinata stretched his arm out to her
Kageyama, who learned from earlier that he didn't care much for watching his blood being taken, went to move only to be stopped.
"Don't leave, " Hinata said, causing Kageyama to stay put.
He still couldn't watch, so he put his head in the crook of Hinata's neck.

A Set Pair (Omegaverse)
FanfictionShōyō Hinata a Omega is starting his first year of High school at karasuno. Karasuno is one of the only schools in the region with the Omega program. They Pair each Omega with an Alpha. Alpha's have to leave temporary marks to prevent other alphas...