161. Love

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🖤🖤Author: Hey, my incredible
🎶Omega crew!🎶
This is a nice chapter!!!!! I hope you have all had an amazing day! Please enjoy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR TANGERINE!!🖤🖤
(this will be short and unedited, I'm sorry)

Kageyama looked up at her. His heart stopped for a moment as he stood up. He turned around to the bed and looked at it for a second.

"Can I take him something to hold on to when he wakes up?" He asked as he reached for the stuffed panther that was lying on the bed.

"Of course, " Kiko replied.

"I'll tell the others, " Tsuki said as he stood up.
"I'm going to walk Yamaguchi down the street to McDonald's. Do you want us to bring anything back for when he wakes up?" He asked, not sure where this sudden caring attitude had come from.

Kageyama shook his head and quietly followed Kiko out of the room.
❤︎𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚙❤︎

He clutched the panther under his arm as he walked behind Kiko, anxiously following her to the elevator. Kiko pressed the button that would take them to the surgery floor. The doors opened, and the two of them stepped into the elevator.

Kiko could feel the worry radiating off of Kageyama.

"Don't worry about him. He's going to be okay," She said softly. Kageyama nodded and looked down to the ground. Kiko stared at him, wanting to say something to comfort him. She was a little unsure as to what to say, however. 
"You're all he talked about, by the way, " she finally said as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"I'm all he talked about?" Kageyama asked as he followed Kiko out of the elevator.

Kiko nodded.

"I told him to talk to me while they started the anesthesia because he was nervous. He told me about you. He really loves you, " She said with a bit of giggle at the end.

Kageyama let a small smile form as he continued to look down as he walked behind her.  They came to the end of the hallway they had been walking down and to a double door where Kiko swiped her ID card, and the doors opened to another hallway lined with curtains that acted as rooms repeating the patients.
He followed her towards the end to the very last one.

Kiko pulled the curtain opened and revealed Hinata, who was lying on a bed that was smaller than the one that was in the hospital room. He was hooked up to another IV and had an oxygen mask covering his mouth.

Kiko noticed the look of worry and slight horror on Kageyama's face.

"Don't worry; he only had the oxygen mask on to keep his breathing steady, " she said and pulled a chair close to the bed for Kageyama to sit in. "Here, you can sit here. I have to go back to the nurse station. If he wakes up, hit that button, " She said and pointed to a button on the wall above the bed.

Kageyama nodded and sat down in the chair. He stared at Hinata for a moment before reaching out his hand and swiping some hair off of his forehead. He gently placed the Panther under Hinata's arm and held his hand.

Kageyama sat there silently for a moment. The small area was cold, and the sound of beeps filled his ears. He wanted Hinata to wake up. He wanted to go home and lay in their bed in their room with Hinata on his chest, where he knew he'd be safe. 

"Please wake up, " He said quietly as he leaned down and rested his head on the edge of the bed near Hinata's hand. "I told Natsu that we would take her to get ice cream, so you have to wake up. I also got you some meat buns too." He whispered.  

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