5. Cool it

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Author: Hi my wonderful readers!
Ok I'm not feeling that intro either 😒
I need to figure out a good intro!

🖤can we get a moment of silence for Kageyama's sanity?
This is a smut warning. Not complete smut but still smut🖤

Hinata's heat was getting worse he was getting more hot and the pain in his abdomen has moved into his groin. His heat had never effected him this bad before.

He couldn't take it anymore he took off off all of his clothes except his boxers and laid on the floor. The tiles where cold and offered some relief to the heat coming from his body.  He had his arms between his legs And was squirming around trying to create some friction to alleviate some of pain and tension.
Suddenly he smelled the scent of rain. And his entire brain filled with fog as he tried to not give into omega side that wanted his alpha.

Kageyama walked into the bathroom and was instantly hit with the smell of Hinata's heat. It was heavy and sweet. His head started to feel like it was spinning. He went to the only stall that had the door shut and banged on it.

"Hinata open the door!" He yelled.
All he could hear though were tiny wimpier's
"I found your suppressants in the hallway on my way over here!" He rattled the bottle so that Hinata would know he wasn't lying.

His head was becoming more hazy though He'd actually never been around an omega in heat before. Since he'd also never been affected by an Omega's scent he had also decided to not take suppressants to keep him from going into a rut. However right now he really wish he had.

"Shit." He said to himself while he was trying to stop himself from breaking down the door to the stall.

"Just toss them over into the stall." He finally heard Hinata say faintly.

"Dumbass! These stalls reach the the ceiling! Just open the door I promise I won't do anything!"

Hinata finally got to where he could somewhat move albeit painful. He finally made it to the door and opened it just enough to be able to see Kageyama standing there. He was hit with a Smokey smell mixed with Kageyama's normal scent and immediately knew opening the door had been a bad idea.

Kageyama's eyes  were locked onto him like a target. He tried to shut the door to the stall again but was too weak from his heat to do so. Kageyama had managed to force the door open more and went inside.

Hinata didn't want this to happen. He hated himself for hitting the wrong number and texting Kageyama instead of Suga. The worst thing about this was that he was about give in to his own urges. Even though he really didn't want too.

He could hear a low growl coming from Kageyama. He scurried into the corner of the stall and curled into a ball. Hoping that Kageyama would just leave him alone.

Suddenly Kageyama's senses magically returned when he heard muffled cry's coming from the omega who was laying in a ball in front of him. He realized what he was just about to do and felt sick.

He didn't say anything he sat in his knees on the floor and rolled the bottle of suppressants to Hinata.
Then he got up and quietly left. He went into the hallway and sat against the wall. He felt dizzy and his head still felt like it was filled with haze. It hadn't even been a full 24 hours and he'd almost taken advantage of Hinata. He decided to text Suga since that was who Hinata had intended to ask for help in the first place and now he knew why.

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