154. For Better Or Worse

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🖤🖤Author: Hello
My fantastic and Amazing
🎶Omega Crew!!!🎶
I hope you are all doing well today!
I am once again sorry for the angst... this chapter will be mostly fluff to make up for it, with some mild angst thrown in at the end for the next chapter. Please forgive me.🖤🖤


Kageyama sat there for a moment and looked at Hinata laying there. He reached over and gently pushed some of his hair from his face, feeling how cold he felt as his fingers grazed his forehead. He felt a lone tear make its way from the corner of his eye, unable to hold it back any longer.

He stood up to crawl into the bed next to him. He put his hand down onto the bed to steady himself, only to remind himself that he was covered in Hinata's uncle's blood as he looked down and saw his hand that still had traces of blood on it.

He looked around the room for a minute before luckily spotting a small bathroom in the corner of the room. He walked over to it and flipped the light on as he went inside. It was small with a tiny shower that was basically just a shower head attached to the wall with a curtain that separated it from the sink and toilet.

He turned it on and took his clothes off, realizing that he probably had some of Hinata's uncle's scent on him and figuring that the last thing Hinata would want to smell if he woke up would be that.

He stood under the cold water that made his skin prickle as it hit him. He could only stand the coldness for a few minutes, using his hands to clean himself as best he could.

He turned the water off and air-dried for a few minutes since there were no towels in there.  He put his boxers on and left his blood-stained shirt and jeans on the floor.

He walked back to the hospital bed and hesitantly crawled under the blanket beside Hinata, pulling him into his arms and against his chest, being careful not to mess up. Any of the medical equipment.

He felt another tear trickle down his cheek, both from fear in relief.

"Love you, please wake up, " He whispered as he kissed the top of his head and tried to release some calming pheromones. He felt his tired body sink into the bed as he found comfort burying his head into Hinata's hair and allowing his to eyes shut.
❤︎ᴇɴᴅ ʀᴇᴄᴀᴘ❤︎

Kageyama could feel the crunch of Bones from under his fist. He could hear people screaming, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. The scent of blood mixed with the scent of Fear pheromones and a very light hint of Oranges filled his nose and made him want to stop, but he couldn't.

The scent of Anise mixed with a strong whiskey smell fueled this hate-filled rage as he threw another punch, no longer able to see the face of the person he had been hitting.

The sound of the heart monitor going off and making an alarm sound woke Kageyama from the nightmare of the events that had taken place. His eyes opened and focused on a nurse that was tapping on a button on the machine that was going off.

"He's fine, don't worry, I accidentally set the machine off," the nurse said as she noticed that Kageyama had woken up. "He's actually a lot more stable than he was when they brought him in. I'm Kiko, his nurse."

"Is he okay, " were the only words Kageyama was able to get out.

The nurse let out a soft laugh.

"I said he was fine. He's really lucky that they brought him up here to the trauma unit and not to the Omega specialty floor. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to be in here with him."

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