Shōyō Hinata a Omega is starting his first year of High school at karasuno.
Karasuno is one of the only schools in the region with the Omega program. They Pair each Omega with an Alpha.
Alpha's have to leave temporary marks to prevent other alphas...
🖤🖤Author: Hey, my amazing 🎶Omega crew!🎶 This will have KageHina smut, but it isn't a full smut chapter. There is more to it. Look for the warnings. I hope you all have had a good day!!! I hope you haven't trusted any crocodiles!🖤🖤
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✰ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡✰ Suga sat up and rubbed his wrist a bit, just now, noticing how tight the ribbon had been tied. He stood up and found that his legs were a bit wobbly and his hips were slightly sore. He went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower, where Daichi was already in, and cleaning himself off. Suga stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, and rested his head in the middle of his back.
Daichi turned and wrapped his arms around Suga and kissed the top of his head. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some onto Suga's head, making him shudder a bit from the cold feeling in his hair. Suga stayed quiet, though, as Daichi washed his hair. He pressed his head into one of Daichi's shoulders as he washed his hair. Daichi could sense that Suga was half asleep as his body weight became a bit heavier against his.
He positioned Suga under the warm water and washed the shampoo out of his hair before turning the water off and scooping Suga into his arms bridal style and carried him back to their bed. He laid Suga down and covered him with the blankets before crawling into the bed beside him and pulling him closer to him and against his chest. ✰𝔼𝕟𝕕ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡✰
Down the hall in Kageyama and Hinata's room, Hinata's heat suppressant was beginning to wear off, and the scent of his heat was starting to drive Kageyama just a bit over the edge. Sighing as he pulled his shirt off over his head and getting ready to join Hinata, who was in the shower, he got hit with an even stronger smell of Hinata's heat that had lingered on his clothing.
In the shower, Hinata was waiting for Kageyama and wondering if he had forgotten about him beating him at the roller rink. He hated to admit it, but he liked whenever Kageyama said, "if I win, I get to do whatever I want to you."
Something about the way he always said it with a hint of irritation in his voice made Hinata feel both flustered and determined. Even though Hinata still counted it as cheating and was pretty certain he would have won if Kageyama hadn't used those words against him. Stupid Bakayama," He mumbled as he stood under the hot water. He had taken his Suppressant patch off right before he had gotten in and was starting to feel the effects of his heat take over. He pressed his forehead to the tile of the shower, hoping that the coldness of the tiles would offer some relief to the heat he could now feel coursing through his body.