166. Connected (3rd years supprise)

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🖤🖤Author: Hey, my amazing
🎶Omega crew!🎶
I have returned from the Wattpad grave! I hope you all have had a good day! I hope the zombies weren't much trouble.🖤🖤

Suga let out a somewhat aggravated sigh.

"We had a... A mishap during practice. Tanaka and Noya were messing around with a ball, and it went flying towards Yamaguchi. Tsuki dodged in front of him to stop it from hitting his face and ended up getting hit in the face instead. It broke his glasses and gave him a black eye. He became angry and threatened to leave the pack again, " Suga stopped talking and turned to look at the bedroom door behind him, then back to Kageyama.

"Do you know where Daichi and Tsuki went?" he asked. Kageyama shook his head in response.

Suga sighed and began to go down the stairs in search of the two alpha's, leaving Kageyama alone to go into his room.
❤︎𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚠𝚌𝚊𝚙❤︎

Kageyama stood there alone for a moment before turning to the door to his and Hinata's room. He opened it quietly, assuming that Hinata was still asleep.
Stepping into the room, he looked on the bed to see Hinata, who was now awake, sitting up and hold the bear Kageyama had given him to his chest.

Once again, Kageyama smelt the scent of stress pheromones coming from Hinata. A small rush of guilt ran through him as he walked over to the bed, reminding himself of what Hinata had said earlier about him feeling like he did after being marked.

Kageyama sat next to him and pulled him onto his lap.   Hinata wrapped his legs around Kageyama's hips and rested his head into the crook of his neck. Kageyama wrapped his arms around Hinata and nuzzled his head against Hinata's.

"Do you still feel like you did earlier?" Kageyama whispered as he felt Hinata's body melt into his.

"Yeah... it's weird. I feel exactly the way I did after you permanently marked me," Hinata replied quietly.

Kageyama sat there for a moment in silence, feeling the rise and fall of Hinata's chest in sync with his. He could smell Hinata's scent more than he could before. It was almost like when they had removed the scar tissue; it had somehow renewed and deepened the connection between Hinata and him.
The only thing he wanted was to sit there with his Omega in peace.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Suga had found a note from Daichi explaining that he had taken Tsukishima to get his glasses fixed. He sighed a bit in relief that the situation seemed to be not as bad now.

He sat on the couch and turned the tv on, which was on a news channel. He heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and saw a bewildered and lost-looking Yamaguchi staring at him.

"Daichi Took Tsuki to get his glasses fixed, " suga said as Yamaguchi came to the couch and sat beside him.

"Yeah, Tsukki texted me and told me. I'm sorry about what happened at practice, " Yamaguchi replied, feeling guilt for how Tsuki had acted.

Suga laughed a tiny bit.

"I said it once, but i'llrepeat it. Alpha's can do some very stupid things and say and say some very stupid things sometimes," he said, then he gave Yamaguchi a smile.
"Do you want to help me make dinner?" He asked after a few more seconds.

"Isn't it Narita and Kinoshita's night to cook?" Yamaguchi asked, receiving a nod from Suga in return.

"Yes, but since we are here and they are still at practice, it might be easier if we do it, " Suga replied and stood up from the couch.

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