3. An Alpha's Apology

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Author: Hey! Welcome back!
I wish I had a name for everyone reading this 🤣
Anyway let's get on with it shall we?

Kageyama stood there with Hinata in his arms. He looked around to see if there was anybody around that could help him. Unfortunately there was no one.
He managed to get Hinata on safely to the ground and propped him against the wall.

He was desperately trying to remember what an alpha was supposed to do in this situation. He knew he was supposed to scent him. The problem was that he didn't know where. He felt something almost instinctual run through him almost like before.

He sat on the ground next to Hinata and pulled him into his lap. He wrapped his around and and nuzzled his head into his neck.

"Please wake up. I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen." He whispered.

Hinata still didn't respond. By this point Kageyama was starting to get scared. The longer that an omega was out the more worse it was. Just as he was about to pull out his phone to cal for help he felt Hinata move.

"Kageyama?" Hinata mumbled it was almost inaudible.

Kageyama held him tighter so he wouldn't try to get away and hurt himself.

"Wh-what happened...."

"You dropped. I'm sorry it's my fault I shouldn't."


Kageyama lifted his head from Hinata's neck and looked at him.

"Don't? But I almost marked you by force and made you drop."Kageyama said confused.

"It's fine your were acting on instincts... and that's not why I dropped." Hinata tried to struggle his way out of Kageyama's arms but realized he was still to weak from dropping.

"You're probably going to have a hard time walking for a few minutes." Kageyama said and once again tightened his arms around him.
"Why did you drop then?" He asked.

Hinata Hinata sunk more into Kageyama's embrace.
"Let's just say that something happened when I was a kid... I don't want to talk about it. But it's the reason i didn't want you to mark me."

"If you didn't want to be marked then why did you go to karasuno? You knew it was required didn't you ?" Kageyama was confused by why he would go to a school that made it a requirement.

"I went there because I want to play volleyball. Other High school's don't let omegas play."

"You do know our school won't let you play without a mark either, dumbass."

Hinata was really quiet.

"You okay?" Kageyama asked.

"Ye-yeah... maybe you should just mark me now then."

"What?? But you just dropped because I tried too."

"Yeah well they won't let me play if you don't... and you'll also be in trouble if you don't so I guess we don't have a choice. And I feel better now so...Just  do it. If you do it now then nothing bad will happen."

"Ok, are you sure though?"
Hinata nodded.

Kageyama lowered his head to Hinata's neck. Once again he could smell the scent of  Oranges and vanilla. It wasn't as strong as it had been earlier. But it was there. He felt stiffen up in his arms.

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