79. An Alpha's Birthday And An Omegas Surprise

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🖤🖤Author: Hello my amazing
🎶Omega Crew!!🎶
Before we start let's say happy birthday our favorite blueberry milk loving
setter Tobio Kageyama 🖤🖤

It was now Sunday. All the Alpha's had ventured out to the mall to get Christmas presents with Coach Ukai while all the Omega's had stayed behind and we're going to go later with Takeda.

Suga walked into the living room to see Hinata sprawled out on the floor a magazine covered his head tufts of orange hair peaking out the top. 

Suga went and sat on his knees next to him on the floor.
"Hinata what's wrong?" He asked.

Hinata groaned from aggravation from under the magazine. Suga lifted it up off of his head and stared at the seemingly stressed,sad and annoyed Omega.

Hinata sat up and sighed.
"I want to get Kageyama that Volleyball that they have at the sports shop in the mall that's signed by his favorite setter. If I get it for him though I won't have enough money for his Christmas present." He said then dramatically laid back down on the floor.

Suga laughed a little at his behavior.
"I can help you out if you want." He said.

Hinata shot up in excitement.
"Really??" He said giving Suga the biggest Smile he'd ever seen.  "I'll Pay you back I promise!" 

Suga laughed.
"No I have a better idea. Instead how about you help me with a surprise for the pack?"

"Okay! Uh what kind of surprise?" Hinata asked

"I want to make a room for the Alpha's and one for the Omega's kind of like a den." Suga explained.

Hinata stared at him in confusion.
"A den? Why ?" He asked.

"You know how Omega's like to be with other omega's?" Suga asked try to make this make sense.

Hinata nodded.

"Well Alpa's can kind of become the same way. I think it'd be good to have a spot for each to have their own space respectively. A room for omega's to go if they start to feel overwhelmed that won't smell like alpha's and vise Versa." Suga finished explaining.

"I get it !" Hinata said. "I can help!" He said confidently.

Suga smiled.

  ~Meanwhile At the mall with the Alpha's~

Narita had decided to go with the Alpha's to the mall. They were all standing in a circle debating weather they should split up or not.

"Suga said he wanted one of those bears that they put your scent in." Daichi said.

"Hinata said he wanted one of those too."Kageyama added.

Pretty soon everyone was looking at each other in the realization that all their omega's wanted the same thing.

Ukai looked at all of them.
"I'll go wait I the food court I already got Takeda a gift." He said. Everyone nodded.

"What store do we go for them?" Tanaka asked.

"Build A Bear." Daichi said.

(Author: Yea I know I'm using Build A Bear... I'm uncreative right now >.<)

Everyone headed to the second floor of the mall where the Build A Bear was located and went inside.

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