88. It was you?!

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🖤🖤Author: Hello my amazing
🎶Omega Crew!🎶 I hope all of you are having a good day !!! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday!! Also I'm sorry but this will be short >.< please forgive me🖤🖤

After they arrived at the pack house everyone went into the living room. Kageyama sat on the couch and Hinata sat on his lap and buried his face in his scent gland. All the omega's had pretty much done the same thing, except for Noya who seemed to not to have been effected at all.

Takeda looked at Natsu who seemed a bit out out place and tired.

"Can I take Natsu to yours and Hinata's room?" He asked Kageyama. Kageyama nodded and Takeda took Natsu up to their room.

He came back a few minutes later and sat on the couch next to their guests Yuri and Victor.

"I wonder who the Alpha was that caused such a commotion." Takeda said.

Noya groaned and put his head in his hands. Asahi who was sitting next to him shifted in his seat and tried to hide his embarrassment.

Kiyoko started at them.
"Was it you ??" She asked a bit surprised.

Kageyama,Tanaka and Victor all also stared at Asahi.
Asahi hid his head like noya had done.

"Were sorry." Noya said as lifted his head. "It was my fault."

"Did you go into heat?"  Takeda asked trying to piece together what happened.

"No." Noya sighed. "I was messing around around and went to far."

Hinata lifted his head a little.
"Can Alpha's go into a rut without an omega being in heat?" Asked a little confused.

Kageyama pushed his head back down onto his shoulder because he still seemed a bit out of it.

"You know how an alpha can trigger a heat?" He asked.

"Yeah." Hinata said quietly.

"An omega can also trigger a rut without being in heat." He said. Kageyama explained.

Ennoshita who was laying with his head In Tanaka's lap sat up.
"can we go lay down?" He asked and rested his head against Tanaka's shoulder.

Tanaka nodded kissed the top of his head before helping him stand up and taking him to their room.

"When are Daichi and Suga coming home?" Takeda asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Asahi said feeling guilty for causing this.

"I'll stay here tonight then in case something happens." Takeda said then he looked at Victor and Yuri. "You two should stay here too. He doesn't look all that great." He said looking at Yuri who seemed to be going in and out of sleep.

Victor smiled.
"Thank you." He said.

Kageyama could feel Hinata falling asleep on his shoulder. He sighed and stood up with Hinata still holding onto him.

"We're going to go to sleep." He said and headed up the stairs to their room. 

When he went into their room he saw Natsu curled on their bed tangled in the blanket. He laid Hinata down onto the bed and went to their closet to see if they had a futon. Luckily they had an extra Futon.

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