13. Trust me

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Author: Hey
                 🎶Omega Crew🎶
I hope you all are having a good day!
I'm currently waiting for my friend to come back to the car with our boba teas 😂
This is a fluff chapter it's pretty much just a shit load of them kissing and cuddling..... just F.Y.I that's all this is basically.

Kageyama stared at Hinata debating on of he should wake him up or not. He looked comfortable and honestly Kageyama didn't want to disturb him.
He decided to gently crawl behind him on the couch and wrapped him in his arms.

A couple hours late Hinata woke up. A small amount of panic ran through him when he realized he was wrapped in someone's arms. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was Kageyama.
He rolled over to face the alpha who was still asleep.
He nuzzled his head against his chest. This caused Kageyama to wake up a little bit.

"Hinata you awake?" Kageyama asked.
"Mhm"Hinata hummed

"Do you know what time it is?"

Hinata rolled over and reached for his phone that was on the coffee table.
"It's 9:30" he said as he laid back down.
Kageyama tightened his arms around Hinata's waist a pulled him closer then rested his head on top of Hinata's.
"I want you to trust me." He mumbled into Hinata's hair.

"What do you mean? I do trust you." Hinata said back quietly.

"No you don't." Kageyama said as Hinata suddenly found himself being rolled over onto his back with Kageyama straddling him.

"Kageyama... what are you doing?" Hinata said a bit uncertain of what was happening.

"You don't trust me. If you did then you wouldn't be releasing fear pheromones right now." Kageyama said. Hinata couldn't tell if he sounded more angry or sad.

"I-I can't help it." Hinata said in a hushed tone

Kageyama leaned down and placed his forehead against Hinata's.
"It's not fair the only time I can do any of this too you without you flinching or being afraid is when your in heat. I want to be able to kiss you and mark you with out you getting afraid."

Before Kageyama knew what was happening Hinata moved his head and pulled Kageyama down into a kiss. Kageyama was a bit surprised at first but gave in deepening the kiss causing Hinata to let out a sigh.
After several seconds Hinata broke the kiss and looked Kageyama in the eyes.
"If you wanted to kiss me you could have just said so, idiot."

Kageyama was still a little in shock. He leaned down and kissed Hinata again. He hadn't been able to kiss him since he had been in heat. He broke the kiss and started kissing his cheek moving down to his jawline and eventually reached his neck. Kageyama felt his tense up and felt his arms tighten around him.

"It's okay I'm only going to kiss you ok?"  Kageyama said. Hinata slowly nodded his head.
The moment that Kageyama's lips touched Hinata's flesh he heard him wimpier and smelled fear pheromones. He pulled away and saw Hinata had tears coming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get scared. I just stared remembering things and they won't stop." Hinata said while trying to calm down.
That's when Kageyama remembered the tea his mom had given him.

"My mom gave my some omega calming tea for you... Do you want to try it?" Kageyama asked.

Hinata nodded his head and said "okay."

Kageyama got up and grabbed the box of tea out of his bag. He took it into Hinata's kitchen and made a cup. He came back several minutes later and handed the cup to Hinata who was now sitting up legs cross cross on the couch. Hinata quietly drank it. After he was finished he sat the cup on the side table and laid down with his head In Kageyama's lap.

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