184. The Struggle Of An Alpha

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🖤🖤Author: Helooo My Incredible And Amazing
🎶Omega Crew!!!🎶
I told the monsters under your beds to behave! So I hope they have!!!! I also told the bodies to stay hidden...🖤🖤

(This chapter will also be shorter; I apologize)

Help, I am lost somewhere in the chapter. Please find me.

A few seconds of silence passed between the two when they heard the sound of the door that led from the backyard to the kitchen open.

"Hey," Daichi said as he walked through the door, taking off the temporary police uniform jacket and tossing it onto one of the chairs at the table.

Both Suga and Ennoshita could smell the scent of Alpha dominance pheromones. Ennoshita didn't like the feeling he was getting from them. It felt heavy; he stood up and quietly left the kitchen, and headed into the living room.

Suga stood up and walked up to Daichi. He was a bit cautious as he reached his hand out to Daichi's. He stopped when he heard a low growl coming from Daichi.

He stepped back; his heart raced a little. He found himself feeling a slight tinge of fear run through him as he tried to stay calm.
End~ Recap

Daichi's eyes widened when he realized what he had done. His heart sank into his stomach as he reached out and grabbed Suga's hand. He could feel him slightly tremble at his touch.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he pulled Suga against his chest and enveloped him in his arms.

Suga didn't say anything; his heart raced a little as he tried to find the right words to say to his alpha, who he knew didn't mean to do that. Daichi smelt the fear pheromones coming from Suga. Holding him a bit tighter, he heard footsteps come into the kitchen. He looked up to see Kageyama, Hinata, Tsuki, and Yamaguchi standing in the kitchen entranceway with a slight look of concern as they looked at Suga.

Suga broke away from Daichi and turned to the four in the entrance to the kitchen. He gave them a smile and relaxed his demeanor.

"Daichi and I are going to go to the store, aren't we?" Suga said. He turned back to Daichi with a slight scowl. Daichi nodded slowly, knowing that It would be better than not agreeing with Suga at that moment.

Hinata and Yamaguchi looked at each other then gave Suga a nod. They turned around and pulled Tsuki and Kageyama back to the living room With them.

"So we're going to the store?" Daichi hesitantly asked as he reached for his jacket. Suga gave him a nod, and they headed out the back door.

Walking quietly, Daichi was lost in his thoughts. He didn't know or understand why he had acted the way he had towards his beloved Omega. He wanted Suga to say something, anything to him, even if he was scolding him. Anything would be better than the silence that had built an invisible wall between them.
They walked a little more. Suga stopped as they passed the park. Daichi stopped and stared at him for a moment.

"Suga?" he questioned and reached out for Suga's hand and grabbed it.

Suga let out a sigh as he fought back the urge he had to cry.
"Can you tell me why you growled at me?" He asked, his voice changing from almost timid to annoyed.

"I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry..." Daichi said. He looked down at his feet before pulling the bottom of the temporary police uniform jacket.
"We had to do some training today to see how we reacted to other Alpha dominance pheromones. It affected me more than I thought it would,"

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