67. Sunflower

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🖤🖤Author: Hello My amazing
🎶Omega crew!🎶
I hope all of you are having a good day!!!!!
Please remember to take care of yourselves!!
This is a kioyachi special!🖤🖤

Kiyoko had woken up late and was late for morning practice. She felt bad knowing this meant Yachi had walked to school alone.

"Happy birthday Yachi!" She heard Hinata's voice as she approached the gym.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Her heart sank into her stomach.

"I forgot her birthday...." she whispered to herself.

She walked into the gym and next to Yachi and looped a arm around her waist.

"Happy birthday." She said pulling Yachi closer to her.

Yachi blushed and nuzzled her head against Kiyoko.

"Thank you." She said quietly and a bit flustered over kiyoko's affection.

After practice was ove Kiyoko stopped Hinata and Yamaguchi before they could leave.

"Hinata Yamaguchi, can I talk to you for a second." She said nervously.

"What's up Kiyoko?" Hinata said.

Kiyoko sighed.
"After school could you two maybe take Yachi to get ice cream while I get her present."

Hinata and Yamaguchi looked at each other and smiled.
"I'll ask Kageyama" Hinata said.
"I'll ask Tsukki." Yamaguchi said.

Kiyoko smiled at them.
"Thank you." She said.

Just then Kageyama and Tsukishima came up behind them.

Hinata turned to Kageyama giving him a smile then putting his arms around him.

"We have to get to class." Kageyama said trying to get Hinata to let go.

"Kiyoko asked if we can take Yachi to get ice cream after school while she gets her birthday present." Hinata said.

Kageyama and Tsukishima looked at Kiyoko and noticed she looked nervous and stressed. Tsukishima picked up on what had happened.

"So you forgot your Omega's birthday." He said.

Hinata turned to her.
"You forget her birthday?"!he asked.

Kiyoko shamefully nodded her head.

Tsukishima scoffed.
"She's not our Omega not our problem." Tsuki said.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi yelled at him.

Both Hinata and Yamaguchi were glaring at him.
Kageyama was staring at Kiyoko. He tell that she felt really bad about it and he could only imagine how he'd feel if he forgot Hinata's birthday.

"I don't mind." He said. Hinata looked up at him and gave him a smile.

Tsukishima scoffed. Yamaguchi looked at him.
"Fine." He said.

Then they all headed to class. Kiyoko couldn't focus. Her head swimming with ideas of what to get Yachi. She felt like the worst Alpha on the planet.

After school Kiyoko went to the mall to get Yachi something. She passed build a bear and went inside.

She picked out a vanilla white colored bear and and a sunflower sun dress. She had them stuff it then she headed to the checkout. She gave the cashier her card and it got declined. She searched her wallet for any cash she could use but had no luck.

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