27. Somthings Wrong

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🖤🖤Author: HI!
🎶Omega Crew!!🎶
Okay so first off I'm going to remind all of you that's your fantastic!!! Now on with the story. 🖤🖤

Kageyama and Hinata were asleep in Kageyama's bed. Witch was a bit weird for Hinata since he hadn't ever slept anywhere besides his house.  Kageyama felt a little odd too since he had been staying at Hinata's so much.

Kageyama started to feel hot really hot like he was on fire at first he figured it was only because Hinata was clinging on to Him so tightly. He decided to push him off of himself little but the moment his hand touched Hinata's skin... that's when he realized that it was Hinata that was hot and it was making him hot. This woke him up more from his groggy state. Then he realized He could also smell Hinata's heat.

"Shit." He mumbled as he got out of his bed and tried to stumble his way into the bathroom where he had put the rut suppressants that Daichi had given him.

He figured it'd be a pretty bad idea to not only have Hinata spontaneously be in heat at his parents but it'd probably be worse if he went into a rut.
This didn't really help the fact though that Hinata most likely hadn't brought his suppressants with him.

He walked back into his room to find Hinata not only sitting up but he was completely Naked.

"Kageyama.... I'm hot." Hinata said in a somewhat whiny tone. Kageyama slowly went over to the bed.

"Hinata did you bring your suppressants with you?" Kageyama asked in a calm but panicked voice.

Hinata just looked at him his eyes glossed over.
He put his head against Kageyama's chest.
What happened next was something Kageyama hadn't expected.  Hinata slumped over onto the bed.

Kageyama panicked this wasn't normal not only did Hinata feel completely normal but he didn't smell like he was in heat anymore.

Kageyama didn't exactly know what he should do.

"Kageyama.... can we cuddle?" He heard Hinata said In a small voice that was almost inaudible.

Kageyama laid down pulling Him cross against him.

"What happened?" Kageyama asked quietly. Trying his hardest to not let Hinata know how worried he was.

"I think my heat was trying to start.. But it stopped." Hinata said as he began to fall asleep.

"Hinata... do you think maybe you should see a doctor? Since it's late." Kageyama said softly but seriously.

"Yeah....I will tomorrow." Hinata said Kageyama felt Hinata's body relax into his and he fell back asleep.

The next morning Kageyama woke up first he knew both his parents had already left for work.
He looked at Hinata who was still peacefully asleep In his arms who he did want to wake up.

Hinata felt Kageyama move a bit and woke up.
"What time is it?" He asked still groggy.

"Probably around eight thirty." Kageyama said.

"I think I should go see my doctor today." Hinata said quietly Kageyama picked up on the slight sound of fear in his voice.

"I'll go with you." He said trying to soothe him.

"Actually... it might be a better idea if you don't." Hinata said witch made Kageyama feel bit uneasy.

"Why?" Kageyama asked confused.

"Uh well my doctor is." Hinata's words trailed off.

"Tell me." Kageyama said a slight growl in his voice.

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