20. A Warning

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🖤🖤Author: Hello
🎶Omega Crew !!🎶
I hope you are all having a good day ! Or night or whatever it is !
(Time doesn't exist for me)
Well here we go! 🖤🖤

(This is unedited sorry for the mistakes!)

Kageyama followed the girl to the principals office.

"He's really pissed off. Just a heads up." She said as she turned and walked away. Kageyama sat in one of the chairs against the wall. He was nervous.

(What if he takes Hinata from me..)
He thought. His heart fell into his stomach and he started to feel sick.
(What if he lets Isao be Hinata's Alpha..)
That thought made feel sick and angry.

He sat there for another ten minutes trying to keep himself calm. Finally he heard the door to the office open. Much to his surprise he saw Daichi walk out.

"Come on." He said as he waited for Kageyama to stand up. Together they walked into the principals office.

Kageyama saw Isao standing behind his father's desk with a black eye and a giant smirk plastered on his face.

He and Daichi sat down.

"Daichi here tells me that your Omega is out sick today, is that right?" The principal asked.

Kageyama nodded.

"He has also told me you have been on edge today because of this, is that correct?" He asked.

Kageyama once again nodded.

"Okay so now why don't you tell me why my son has a black eye." His voice having a degree of anger and made the hair on the back of Kageyama's neck stand up.

"He said he was going to do something to Hinata... Sir." Kageyama said, trying to sound somewhat respectful.

The principal turned to his son.
"Is that correct ?" He asked.

"All I really said was that I was going to have some "fun" with him." Isao said still smirking.
"But I think it was me saying his Omega's name that really made him mad." He gave a laugh at the end.

Making Kageyama want to jump over the desk and destroy him.

The principal put his head in his hands.
"Jesus Christ Isao. We talked about this."
He looked back at Kageyama.
"I can't let you off the hook. I talked to your team captain here and we came to an agreement.
You are suspended from club activity's for a month."
He said.

Kageyama felt his hands ball into a fist.
"What?!" He somewhat shouted.

Daichi grabbed his arm and and gave him a stern stare that made him back down.
"Yes sir." Kageyama said.

"One other thing. If you have any more incidences then I will remove you from the Omega program and I will pair your Omega with a different Alpha. Do I make myself clear?" The principal said.

Kageyama just nodded.

After that Daichi stood up and Kageyama followed suit. They walked out of the office.

"I'll take you back to your class." Daichi said.

"What the hell? Why am I the one getting I-"
Daichi stopped Kageyama from talking.

"Your lucky that I'm your upper class man and that he spoke to me before he spoke to you. He originally was talking about removing you from the program. Until I told him that you were on edge and convinced him to hear your side. I don't agree with you getting in trouble either, but it could have been worse."
Daichi said.

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