78. I Meant What I Said

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🖤🖤Author: Hello my amazing
🎶omega crew🎶
I hope you are all having a good day!!
I have somehow gotten sick 😞 don't ask how. My immune system doesn't exist.
This about Tanaka Marking Ennoshita. This is a smut chapter so please look for the warnings.🖤🖤

A week had passed since they had put the tree up. Everyone was busy doing various things to get ready for the end of the semester. Practice had been put on hold until after the holidays. Luckily since they had a volleyball court outside they could still practice.

It was a Saturday night Kageyama and Hinata had came back in from doing some spiking practice out side. Hinata was laying on their bed on his stomach.

"My muscles hurt." He said.

Kageyama was sitting next to him trying to stretch his arms.
"Mine too." He said.

Then he thought of something that might not only help their dorm muscles but also help Hinata relax just a little, since he had still been on edge since having that night mare.

"We can take a bath." Kageyama said hoping Hinata would agree.

"Okay that sounds nice." Hinata said.

Kageyama got up and went into their bathroom to get the bath ready. When it was ready they got in. Kageyama sat behind Hinata while Hinata sat in front of him between his thighs resting the back of his head against Kageyama's chest.

Kageyama kissed the top of Hinata's head. He realized he hadn't asked Hinata what he wanted for Christmas.

"What do you want for Christmas?" Kageyama asked quietly with his face in Hinata's hair.

Hinata was Quiet for a minute before he answered.
"I just want you." Hinata said quietly.

Kageyama felt his heart pound a little in his chest at that.
"Dumbass you already have me." He said and started to leave a trail of kisses from the top of his head to his shoulders.

Hinata was quiet for a minute.
"Promise not to laugh if I tell you what I want." He said.

Kageyama nuzzled his face into Hinata's neck and whispered.
"Just tell me."

"I want one of those bears that they can put your scent into." Hinata said feeling slightly embarrassed.

Kageyama laughed a little bit.

"I said not to laugh bakayama." Hinata said and hid his head in his knees.

Kageyama put his head against Hinata's back and lightly kissed him.

"It's cute." He said softly.

"So what do you want for Christmas then? Hinata asked as he and Kageyama moved back to their original position in the tub with his head against Kageyama's chest.

"Remember that cologne that Yamaguchi said he was going to get for Tsuki that had his scent in it?" Kageyama said.

"Yeah, you want one too?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah Kageyama said."

Hinata smiled.
"Okay." He said quietly. 

~Meanwhile in Ennotana's bedroom~

Ennoshita had noticed that Tanaka for some reason since he had been sick had been really clingy. More then usual at least.

Ennoshita laid on the bed putting his head on Tanaka's chest. Tanaka seemed to be somewhat lost in his thoughts, which was odd for him.

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