30. The Calm Before The Storm

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🖤🖤Author: Hello
                           🎶Omega Crew!!🎶
I hope you are all having a good day!!
So many of you liked my special chapter! I'm glad !🖤🖤

Kiyoko gave her a smile.
"Let's just say that coach Ukai showed up in the middle of my conversation with him...and. "

"And?!?!" Hinata was dying from anticipation Kageyama had to put his hands on his shoulders to keep him still.

"And... coach Ukai "convinced" the principal to not only let you go to training camp but to completely lift your suspension." Kiyoko finished.

Honestly Hinata couldn't contain his excitement anymore.
"Toss for me!!" He shouted as he took off towards the middle of the gym grabbed a volleyball and tossed it to Kageyama.
(End Recap)

Kageyama was sitting in his class thinking about Hinata's mom wanting him to move and how Hinata wanted to talk to the Team about a solution. It had hurt him a little that Hinata didn't want him to ask his parents about him moving In with him. But he also understood that might be a little bit weird for him.

He also couldn't stop thinking about the training camp. He had been happy when Kiyoko said that his suspension had been lifted and he could go, but now there was one little problem. Training camp meant there would be other alpha's there. Sure all the schools that were attending had a omega program like karasuno. But that didn't mean that there still wouldn't be a few low alpha's that wouldn't try to hurt a omega.

At some point Kageyama's teacher realized that Kageyama had zoned out and was paying attention.

"Ahem Kageyama focus please." He said snapping Kageyama out of his thoughts.

After school was over Kageyama walked out of his class to Find Hinata sitting against the wall waiting for him, however he wasn't alone. Sitting next to him was Yamaguchi who looked like he was clearly upset about something.

Hinata was too busy trying to comfort Yamaguchi to have noticed that Kageyama sat down next to him.
Kageyama touched Hinata's arm causing him to jump a bit.

"What happened?" Kageyama asked Looking at Yamaguchi and wondering where Tsukishima was.

Hinata nervously laughed witch made Kageyama fell uneasy about whatever he was about to say.
"Yam's and Tsukishima were walking down the hall when a alpha accidentally bumped into him. Causing him to trip and fall." Hinata stopped so Yamaguchi could tell the rest.

"Tsukki thought he had done it on purpose so he pinned him too the ground and... and" yamaguchi couldn't finish the sentence. The situation had scared him. He had never seen Tsukishima act like that before.

"Were supposed to meet Suga and Daichi at the gym." Hinata said as he stood up then he offered Yamaguchi a hand to help him up.

Kageyama nodded and the three of them headed to the gym for practice. When they got there everyone besides Tsukki, coach Ukai and Takeda where there.

Suga and Noya went over to yamaguchi.
"You feeling okay?" Suga asked concerned.

Yamaguchi shook his head no.

"They had to take the one that bumped into you to the hospital." Daichi said as he too went over to them.

"They took take him to the hospital?!" Yamaguchi said fearfully. "What-what about Tsukki?" He asked afraid of what the answer.

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