29. An Omega's Mark (21k special)

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🖤🖤Author: Hello to My amazing
                                🎶Omega Crew🎶
Okay this is a special chapter!!!!
This is how suga marked Daichi.
This is super fluff and cute

Note: This has NOTHING TO SO WITH THE PLOT.  So if you don't want to read that's fine we will see you next chapter. 🖤🖤

It had been two weeks since Daichi had permanently marked Suga. The two of them couldn't stand to be away from each other for more then a few hours at a time after. The bond between the two of them at times almost became suffocating. 

Daichi's parents had Decided that since Daichi was a third year they were going go travel the world. Daichi made the decision to have suga move in with him since his parents where never there.  Suga was incredibly happy.

Suga over the last couple of weeks had been thinking of something. Something that would make the bond between him and Daichi even more intense. He wanted to mark him. Since it was a very rare thing for omega's to do Suga wasn't exactly sure how to go about it, and he was a little afraid.
One: a omega could only mark a alpha if the alpha gave permission.
Two: the omega had to be permanently marked.

There was also the fact that once a omega marked and alpha they were giving up their own free will to said alpha. This meant that a omega needed to know and trust that the alpha wouldn't use that to do harm to them. Witch suga did. He trusted Daichi with everything.

Suga was laying in bed waiting for Daichi to get out of the shower pondering over these thoughts. Not wanting to make Daichi upset if he brought it up and not wanting to make him feel guilty if he said no.

Daichi got out of the shower and came into his room to see Suga laying on the bed clearly something running through his mind. He laid down next to suga.
"What are you thin?" He asked when Suga didn't seem to notice his presence.

That shook Suga from his thoughts a bit.
"Oh it's nothing, just school starting things like that." He replied.

Daichi grew a tad worried with Suga's lack of detail considering he'd normally tell him every thought going on inside his head. It was silent. Daichi was trying find something to say.

"Hey dai?" Suga asked.


Suga cleared his throat.
"What do you think about Omega marks?" Suga asked hoping  Daichi wouldn't be dance and catch on.

For a moment Daichi didn't know what to say.
"I-I don't know. Why do you ask?" 

Suga felt his heart sink a bit in his chest.
Before he could really take the time to think about his actions he rolled on top of Daichi.

"S-Suga what ar-" Daichi put his finger over Daichi's lips.

"Daichi.... can... can I mark you?" Suga managed to blurt out.

Daichi felt his heart stop. It didn't skip a beat it flat out stopped pumping all together. For a Omega to trust an alpha that much meant a a lot and right now a Omega was asking him to let them mark him. Not just any omega but his omega.

"Suga... are you sure? Do You know what your asking?"

"Of course I know what I'm asking! I love you and I trust you... so please?" Suga said with more sincerity then Daichi has ever heard.

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