Chapter Fifteen: Meeting Brexley

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"Good morning, Blue. Any plans for today?" My mom asked me placing a mug of coffee in front of me. 

"Yeah, I'm going to be meeting Andy's girlfriend Brexley, as well as staying the night with them at their place tonight. They ended up not being at dinner last night, because Brexley had a family emergency or something, and Andy got called into work last minute. So today, and tonight are dedicated to them, then I leave out tomorrow afternoon," 

"How about the three of us go out to breakfast tomorrow morning?" My dad proposed, closing his laptop, and looking up at me from the top of his glasses. 

"Yeah, that sounds lovely dad," 

"Okay great," Before I had a chance to say anything my phone dinged, causing me to jump a little. I pulled it out of my pocket seeing Kane's name flash across my screen. 

Hello there, I was wondering how would you like breakfast in the morning, before we go back to Nashville? Oh and when do you want to head back by the way?

"Uhm, I need to tell you guys something," I said, causing them to look at me a weirdly. 

"What's going on?" 

"Well, when I was at the country music festival, I was assigned to do the article on that. Which I have written it, but I met this guy. His name is Kane, he's a rancher from Chattanooga, but lives in Nashville. When I was packing up to come out here, well I guess his sister works around the area that I live in, and he picks up his nephew twice a month from school to keep him for a weekend so she can have a break and give her some 'me' time persay, or personal time. Well I guess she had cancelled last minute, so he was walking around the area, enjoying the day, and saw me outside. Anyways, we talked for a minute then asked me where I was going so I told him, that's where the crazy part comes in. His youngest brother, goes to college here, and their parents recently went through a divorce, Kane was afraid that it had taken the biggest toll on him, so he asked if he could tag along with me, so he could check up on his brother. So I said yes, and he paid for the trip here, which I denied many times just so you know," I sigh, then take a a quick breath. 

"Okay and?" 

"Well, he just texted me asking if I wanted to have breakfast in the morning before we leave to go back to Nashville, because yes I am his ride back there as well. I don't see the problem with it. I made here alive and unharmed so it's safe to say I'm going to make it back the same way,"

"How about this young man joins us? It can't hurt, and since you guys just met, everyone will take it slow, and call him your friend for now. We'll all be mature about it, okay?" 

"Okay, sure. So I suppose we have a fourth person, and I better get the word out to my friend. I'll make a group-chat with the three of us in it, then you guys can text me the details, I gotta run. It's Andy and Brexley's turn to have me now. I will see y'all in the morning, I love you guys," With that I exited the kitchen, returning to my bedroom to pack my last minute things into my bag. 

After having finished with that, I grabbed my suitcase, making my way downstairs to say my final goodbye for the day to my parents. 

"Okay, now I have all my things. I will see you guys in the morning, and you guys text me the details," 

"Okay honey, we love you, see you in the morning. We will discuss the details now, so you know when, and where to meet us," Mom responded with a smile. 

"I love you guys too, see you later," I hug them bye then text Andy letting her know that I am headed her way. 

Soon my phone dings back at me, so I check it thinking it will be her, but instead it was Kane. 

Leaving me on seen, huh? Did I scare you off already?

No, lol sorry my bad, I was talking to my parents. They were actually talking to me about having breakfast in the morning with me,  then you texted me. They asked who it was, so I told them about you. They asked if you wanted to join us

I wouldn't mind that at all! 

Sweet. I'll pick you up in the morning. We will be heading back in the afternoon sometime. I don't know what time for sure on either breakfast, or what time we'll leave, but I'll get back with you on those. 

Sure! Are you having fun?

I didn't text him back, nor did I open the message because by that point I had already been driving to Andy and Brexley's house so I wasn't going to text and drive. I figured Kane's message could wait, because it wasn't worth my life or any others on the road. 

About twenty minutes later I was finally pulling into Andy's driveway, excited to see her new place as well as meet Brexley. I had always hoped Kale and Andy would both find people that made them happy, and so far Mason had a really huge approval from me, so I was hoping that Brexley would have the same. 

As I was getting out of my car two women came out onto the porch with genuine smiles on their faces, one of which I could never forget. My best friend Andrea Raine. I could only assume that the other one was the woman that made her turn into absolute butter; Brexley. 

I grabbed my suitcase from the backseat of my car, then made my way to the porch to meet the two women who stood there, awaiting my arrival.

"You must be the infamous best friend, Blue that Kale and Andrea can't ever shut up about, I'm Brexley, nice to finally meet you," The brunette girl said giggling. But it was the most genuine giggle I had heard come from a female in a long time. 

"That's me. You must be the infamous girlfriend that makes my best friend melt into butter every time someone even mentions you," I retaliated back causing her to laugh with me. 

"Come on inside, let us show you where you will stay, then we will give you a tour of the house, and get this day started," Brexley said, waving me to follow them. I gave Andy a hug, before following them inside. 

"This is a three bedroom two and a half bath, so guests can take a bath privately if they want to without having to use the master bath which is inside of our bedroom, and if we have more than one guest at a time we have the half bath in case they need to use the bathroom and the other one is occupied. It's beneficial, private, and most of all our biggest goal, comfortable for everyone that stays with us," Brexley said, opening a bedroom door. 

It revealed a beautiful king size bed, with Victorian style bedding, two gorgeous oak dressers that stood tall and perfectly in the room, above the bed in the ceiling hung the most beautiful chandelier, but it was a small one, but still as equally beautiful, and bright; Close to the window sat a gorgeous mahogany vanity make-up dresser with an oval shaped mirror, then a small circle rotating mirror that you can have a close up to pluck your eyebrows or whatever you choose to do using it. 

"This is such a beautiful room, you guys. Is this your room?" 

"No, this is your guest room for the night. Right through that door is the guest bathroom with the shower and bathtub, get comfy, and meet us through there in the living room. We will give you a tour," Andy said, pulling Brexley away, leaving me to comfortable. 

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