"Blue all I'm saying is that maybe you should just try to get some therapy and do the best you can with moving on. Please for everyone's sake, do not sink into that dark place you were in after Harrison. I'm worried for you, and about you." Andy said, while she had been cooking me some breakfast.
"Thanks, but I'm doing just fine Andy,"
"Blue, when was the last time that you ate? I mean a real meal, not chips and little snacks to help you get by,"
"It's been a few days I suppose," I replied telling her the truth. I knew better than to try and lie to my best friend, the same person who had been there for me through and through.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. So you're going to pack up a bag or two, get your ass in the shower, then we're going back to mine and Brexley's. You are going to stay with us for a little while, Analise agrees and Brexley does as well. So it's settled. So after you eat, that's exactly what you're going to do."
"Andy, I can't just go back home. I have a life here, rent payments to my ex boyfriend, a job, everything I do in my life that makes me happy, is here."
"Blue, it's temporary. You need time to heal, because you have been wallowing around heart-broken over a married man, that lied to you the entire time. I get that you loved him, and how much that meant to you, but the things that make you happy here, where are they now? What are they doing right now, because you're not doing any of them right now."
"Okay fine, I see your point. But if I come stay with you two, then there had better be lots of wine, I'm going to need it to heal properly,"
"There's my Blue!" Andy exclaimed, taking the food off the stove.
"Seriously though Andy, I do need to talk to someone. I probably should see my therapist soon too, honestly because I'm so heartbroken,"
"That's your call to make, and I'm going to stand by you to support you no matter what you choose,"
"I just know that all I want is him. I don't want anyone else, and now I'm this horrific mess because I was THE other woman this whole time, when I had a gut feeling that maybe there was another woman. I didn't think that I was going to be that woman. I hate that feeling, and he said they were divorcing because they both had lovers they wanted to be with, and that she knew about me, but I felt that was a lie out of his mouth too because he lied about even being married in the first place,"
"Well regardless, don't go back to him, He is bad news and you need to find someone that's more up to your speed. What I mean by that is, someone who is mature, honest, loving, and worthy of you. Blue, you deserve to find love one day too, and you will. You'll have that love that you've always deserved, but right now you need to get your groove back so that you can be that person,"
"Andy, I don't know. I just don't want anyone else. I'm going to be stubborn about how I feel,"
"You said the same thing about Harrison, when he cheated on you multiple times, trust me; You'll find another,"
"Okay, I guess I will try to heal myself somehow,"
"But first you're allowed to mourn the relationship. You're allowed to mourn the feelings that you had for him, and watch them burn in the night. You are better off without Kane, and it's better you found that out now, rather than later. We will also discuss finding you a different place to live that's still close to your job, but not owned by your ex-boyfriend."
"Okay. I'm gonna go shower now," I said exiting the kitchen, and going towards my bedroom so that I could find some clean clothes to put on after my shower.
After my shower, I got dressed quickly then resorted to my bedroom to pack my bags. Once I had my bags packed, I sat down on my bed looking around it, and my heart began breaking all over again. Tears started to roll down my face, knowing that this house was always going to be Kane's and he said it was the first house he ever bought.
I ended up moving into the place because I wanted something that was bigger than my apartment, but I dealt with someone different, that wasn't Kane.
When he said it was the first house he ever bought, however I never thought about it until now, but it made me wonder how many nights he would be here with his wife.. My heart shattered more and more in my chest, making me want to get out of here even more.
I grabbed my luggage from my bed, then bolted to my kitchen to drag Andy from the house.
"Blue what has gotten into you?" Andy asked as I was pulling her towards the front door.
"Come on, I want to go now. I need to get out of this house, because if I spend another moment in it, then I am going to literally snap,"
"Okay, go sit in my car and give me a few to atleast clean up the mess,"
"Okay, that's fine. Where's the keys?"
"Ah, yeah here," She said handing me the keys to her car, so that I could get myself out of this damn house.
I quickly removed myself from the house, feeling like I had been moving in slow motion, not being able to get away from this place fast enough.
"Okay, your dishwasher is going, everything is cleaned up. Let's get going," Andy said from behind me, before I even got a chance to close the door and make it off the porch.
"I know how much you want to get away from here,"
"Yes, and I don't feel that I can get away from here fast enough,"
"Understandable, and I will get you away from here as fast as I can," Andy responded, helping me get my bags into the trunk of her car. I hand her the keys back to her car, and we both get into her car, taking off into the day. Not looking back for anything.
I love that I can get away from the depressing scenery and get a change for a few days. I needed this trip away from Nashville, and I just wanted to be gone for awhile; At least until I can get myself a new place to move into.
I loved being with Kane, I loved dating him; But he hid so much from me, and now I have nothing.
"We're going straight to Kale and Mason's house. You're going to stay with them until Brexley and I get the guest room ready for specifically you, are you okay with that?"
"Yes, that's perfectly fine, as long as you come see me while I'm there,"
"Well yeah duh, you're staying with my brother, I see him all the time so of course I will be there to see you too," She replied.
"That's good news,"
RomanceBlue Ilene Ivy, a backwoods journalist, took a story at a country music event, where she met a guy, and future events unfolded, changing not only her career, but her life too.