Chapter Twenty-Nine: Opening Up

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"Hey Blue! How are you?" Mason hollered through the small apartment, as he was eagerly making his way to me.

"Hey, Mason. I'm doing good how are you?"

"One I'm great, and two you don't have to lie to me. Kale and I know everything already, so we will get you some whiskey and we will gossip about it all night. We got you babe, you're safe here,"

"Thank you," I responded to him, not really feeling like talking to anyone about my heartbreak right now.

"Here I'll take your bags. You go sit at the island, Kale is in the kitchen making drinks for us all as we speak." Mason said, taking my bags out of my hands for me.

"Actually, I have to get going right now, but I will be back tomorrow. Are you going to be alright?" Andy asked me with a worried look on her face.

"I'm going to be fine, The boys got me for now. You go do what it is that you have to do, just because my heart is broken, and my life is a little messy right now, doesn't mean that yours has to be,"

"Okay, I love you I will see you later. Call or text me if you need anything,"

"I absolutely will, I know the drill. I love you too be safe, I will see you tomorrow. Thank you for everything,"

"Absolutely, anything for you. I will text you later. Have some fun, or try to," Andy said before leaving me alone in her brother's apartment. I made my way towards the island in the kitchen, and took a seat on one of the bar stools, Kale standing there making drinks.

"Hey Blue, how are you doing? Judging by the look on your face you're not wanting to talk about your feelings, and I get that, so how about we get some whiskey in you, and maybe you will open up a little bit then, yeah?"

"I'm good with that. You and your sister know me all too well,"

"That's kind of the point. We are your best friends, we're supposed to know everything about you," He replied placing the glass of whiskey in front of me.

"That is very true," I responded, picking up the glass. I quickly downed it realizing that's what I had been needing since the breakup. Just some time to drink with my friends, cry a little bit, mourn everything, and then wake up the next day, only to be feeling like shit from the bottle I had the night before, but I won't be feeling the heartbreak anymore, and that's exactly what I'm aiming for.

"How was that?" Kale asked, eyes widened at the fact I was already done.

"It was perfect, and I'm going to need another one. You might as well keep them coming,"

"I figured I would hear that line soon enough, here's another one to keep you happy, and I will get more."

"Kale, if I'm being honest with you, I'm probably going to need the whole damn bottle of coke and bottle of jack."

"We got two twenty-four packs of Coke in the fridge, you're good to go. I'll get you the bottle of Jack," Kale responded, placing the small whiskey glass in front of me.

I smiled at him, and took the glass into my hand, placing the rim of it to the edge of the glass, allowing the liquids to flow into my mouth and down my throat, a slight burn. I took it quickly not wanting to feel the pain of being sober any more.

"Here's the bottle for you, and Mason can grab you a few Coke's cause at the rate you're going, you're gonna have those gone very quick," Kale said to me as soon as I placed the empty glass back down in front of me.

"I'm trying to get to the point I don't feel any pain right now, and once I have another drink or two, I'll be ready to pour every last emotion I've been feeling these last few days," I told the two of them, making myself another drink.

"Well, we are here to listen when you're ready to spill it. We will always be here for you," Mason said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I'm glad that I have you guys in my life. I need you guys right now, Kane hurt me so bad. I loved him, and he just had to do this to me." I said, not really wanting a response yet. I downed the third drink, then made a fourth.

At that point I was ready to sit down on the couch and start talking. So I grabbed the Bottle of Jack, grabbed the Coke, and my glass then made my way to the living room placing myself on the couch.

"Are you ready to talk now?"

"Yes, I am. So let's relax cause there's some tea in here boys,"

"Now this is what we like to hear,"

The two of them joined me on the couch each with a glass of wine, and they adverted their attention to me.

"So ask me anything you want to know. This is the best time for me to tell you anything, trust me."

"How did you and Kane meet again?" Mason asked. Probably not the best question to start off with, but at the same time I am a woman of my word so I will run with it.

"We met at the country music festival that I had been covering for the magazine. Kane was just some stranger at first. I had been looking down at my papers, briefing myself on what to possibly expect at some of the interviews. Kane came up to me, and asked me if the spot next to me was taken. I told him no, without even looking up. I didn't know that he was some handsome guy, but then I finally did look up at some point and saw him. We began talking, telling one another the basic little casual things about ourselves. Little did I know, that we were going to be together for a short time, I was going to fall in love with him, only to find out he was married and cheating on his wife with me," I said, pausing long enough to take a sip of my drink.

"I fell so hard for, Kane. In ways that I never thought I would, and that's what was so blissful about it. Aside from being his 'side piece' as the kids call it these days, he wasn't a terrible person. I just hate the fact that the one type of woman that I absolutely despise in this world; I became. I became The Other Woman. The sad part about that is, my first love used to have one of those too. And I thought that I was getting away from things like that; The one time I get back out into the dating world, and bam! I get hurt by the same type of man, I tried to get away from; The even worse part about everything, is that if Kane walked up to me right now, with signed divorce papers, I'd take him back. You know why? Because I love him. And love makes you terribly stupid, that's why." 

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