Chapter Thirty-One: Back To Nashville

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"Congratulations Blue, you beat this challenge but you're still going to have that breakdown, I count on it,"

"Oh, you have no idea. When I do it's going to be massive, but yes, it's coming I know that much,"

"Good luck you guys, she's a handful. Trust me," Andy said, walking out of their apartment.

"You guys ready?" I asked the boys. They both nodded their heads, and we made our way to their car where we would all drive back to Nashville and they would get comfy in my guest room.

"You think we will like Nashville Blue?" Kale asked, as we all loaded up into the car, and got on the road.

"I think you'll love it. I do, and it's been my home for quite some time now,"

"I hope we do, but we've heard a lot of good things about it. What's the rent like there?"

"It's actually pretty decent depending on the neighborhoods that you live in. Right now, I live in Kane's old house that he bought and lived in for a while till he got his new house with his wife. I was the first person he rented to, and I'm about to be looking for somewhere else to live. I haven't blocked Kane on everything yet only because he's my landlord right now. He's supposed to be by in two days to pick up this months rent, I think I want one of you to handle it, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course, babe, we will always have your back. If you don't want to see him, one of us will give him the rent money."

"It's just I know that until I have my mental breakdown, I'm still weak and if I see him, I may have it right there in front of him, and that's not something that I want, if I have my break, I'm doing it on my terms."

"That's a fair term, and it's one that we won't argue with," Kale responded, keeping his eyes on the road. I smiled at the support from my best friends, and I leaned back in the seat relaxing myself because it was a long drive, and plus they had my address in the GPS because I didn't have any intentions on talking the entire ride. They understood.

"Blue, one more thing before you reach your social limit for the moment, we're going out to eat tonight. Do you have any recommendations on where to go?"

"There's a few places, but we would just have to actually sit down and look through them, we can do that when we get to my house if you'd like?"

"Yes, that would be perfect! Okay we will leave you be for now," Kale said, adverting his eyes from the rearview mirror back to the road. I nodded, and leaned my head back against the seat, excited that my friends were moving closer to me, and very ready to be home where I needed to be.

My heart had been broken into a million pieces by a man who played two women at once, and he was married to one of them. The sad part is, I'm not even mad about his wife and daughter, I'm mad that he had lied to me about it.

If he was really getting a divorce, then he would have told me in the beginning that he was still married but going through a divorce. There would have been plenty of ways to tell me, and he had more than plenty of opportunities to tell me.

I fell in love with Kane, and maybe I shouldn't have as fast as I did, but I had to learn to love someone else that wasn't Harrison. I had to learn everything new, and at that time I was nervous, but also ready. I found my peace after Harrison, but then Kane came along, only to mess up the peace within myself again, making me feel at war with everything I had ever dealt with.

I wanted to feel like I wasn't torn inside, I wanted to feel like I wasn't going to snap at any given time. Anything could set me off, and that's what scared me the most, because a certain memory, word, scent, place, feeling, anything could remind me of him, and I was going to lose everything.

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