The Cold Heart

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Willa's POV

Willa had been sitting peacefully on the tree over looking at the stars when she felt strange. It was a prickly feeling like an itch.

Willa titled her head and listened. Her hearing picked up a faint signal. It was a high pitched note, repeated again and again.

The note hurt Willa's head. It pounded into her skull, the thoughts of death and Wyatt escaping. She had one purpose.

Go to that noise.

Willa leaped off the tree, landing expertly and dashing down the hill.
Her senses felt off.

Trees are purple

Air tastes salty

The city smells sugary

She jumped on top of a tree. She took a running jump to the house's roof.

She swung around, jumping, running, crouching, breaking. Sounds and smells weaving around her like mist.

Broken glass lay in a pile around her. Her eyes focused on a black machine. She growled. Her necklesses power showing through as she swiped through it.

The itchy feeling disappeared. The note faded to a ringing. The moonstone power faded. Her chest heaved.

Her eyes grew large. Where was she? A deep breath entered her lungs. It was like she finally woke up.  Her senses rightened themselves.

She stood in a human room, no a zombie room. Two zombies looked at her hesitantly.

"Who are you?" She asked. What was her name?

"Willa?" The girl zombie asked. "I'm Eliza and that's Zed."

"Willa." She said. That sounded right. She was Willa. But something was missing. Willa and-

"We need your help." Zed said. "We were hoping we would get Wyatt in the range-"

"Wyatt." Willa said slowly. It sounded familiar. "Willa and Wyatt."

"He's your brother. Your twin. Your beta." Zed said.

Wyatt. Millions of memories flood back. The most recent made tears flow from Willa's eyes. Hands steadied her before she knew she was falling.

Willa looked up. Through the water, she saw Eliza and Zed looking at her with concern. She quickly brushed the tears away.

"Is Wyatt okay?" Eliza asked.

"What was that noise?" Willa asked instead.

"Sorry. I needed to call you somehow. It's a form of a dog whistle. I read a book on werewolf hunters. It makes you guys immediately come to the source and destroy it." Eliza said. "I didn't know it would hurt so much."

Willa was shaken. She used to think that werewolves had no weaknesses. Now it seemed that every other species had control over them. "What book did you read?"

Eliza pointed to one of her bookshelf. "The humans were selling them when you guys were in Containment."

"How many are there?"

"We need your help." Zed said. "Well not you specifically but-"

"Our z-bands are malfunctioning." Eliza said. "If our heart rate gets too high it'll send a shock through our bodies."

"Is this happening to everyone?" Willa asked.

"Yes." Zed said. "We can't do anything. Not even stand up."

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