The Dream

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Wyatt's POV

Wyatt was running through the woods. Something was chasing him. He tried to look back to see what it was. His wolf senses were dull. He couldn't see in the dark. Is this what a human feels like?

He looked back to the front just in time to see a dark tree trunk slam between his eyes. He collapsed. The chaser found him and raised its red claws. The figure hissed and Wyatt saw fangs through the moon.

The figure leaned in to Wyatt. Wyatt howled asking for help. His eyes flew open and he let out his inner wolf, sitting up. He realized he was in the Wolf Den.

Every werewolf was up. Some were still growling. Some looked around in confusion. Addison was next to him. She shivered and staired off in the distance.

Wyatt got an overwellming urge to protect her but there was no danger. Willa stood up and ran to the high rock.

"Is everyone all right?" She called.

"No!" An overdramic wolf called back from somewhere. "I almost died!"

"You did not," another wolf from the same direction scolded.

"Did you have a dream of something almost eating you?" The first wolf asked.

"Yes!" The second wolf said back. The cave filled with conversations.

Wyatt tried to catch Willa's eye. What did it mean? He quickly realized that he and Addison should be up there with her. He helped Addison to her feet and they ran up to the rock.

"Quiet!" Willa shouted. "Did everyone have this dream?" Wyatt saw all of the werewolves nodding. "Willow do you know anything about a pack of werewolves all having the same dream."

"Yes, it has happened once before." Willow said. "When i was very very young. Just a werepup."

"I was hunting in the woods. But then i picked up a scent. It was strange. It smelled like human, a sour gas smell. I followed it but as I got closer the human's scent changed to a female werewolves scent. It was flowery and smelled of wind and trees."

"I got closer and on a cliff was a werewolf. She danced in the light of the moon, baring her claws and teeth. She looked at me and said 'find me. Awake the Great Alpha!'" Willow finished. There was silence.

"Using our moonstones and the power of our ansestors, we drew it on the cave wall only to be showed when a special blue crystal would light it up." Willow said.

"So its a prophacy." Willa said. "Did anyone hear the figure speak?"

Addison spoke up. "The figure had a cloak on but when I fell, it threw the hood off." Wyatt frowned. That hadn't happened to him.
"It had no facual structure, just a pale, almost white blob. It somehow spoke and said
'The final chapter draws near,
for a new threat has appeared.
The moonstone will not save you,
for you and your pack are few.'"

No wonder she was scared. This prophecy stated that they would all die.

"Did anyone see anything more then that?" Willa shouted. "Get into a line, I want to hear about this threat."

At the end of the line, they had figured out that is had been night in the dream. The attacker wore a cloak, it had fangs and red claws and something blue glowed from inside the cloak when it raised its hands.

Addison leaned on Wyatt throughout the interrogations which was fine with Wyatt. She had had a tough night. She had found her inner wolf and became a werewolf, got a silver burn and got broken up with.

Her silver burn was still red and blisters covered the wound. Wyatt's was purple because he had rubbed it. It was red around the edges. His was peeling showing little white skin marks.

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