The Experiment

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Wyatt's POV

How had his life come to this? Wyatt wondered. He was supposed to be a beta, a werewolf. This, this was not freedom.

He was kept in a little cage. It was see through so Wyatt was never truly alone. The cage was a full sheet of plastic. Hard plastic. Wyatt couldn't break through it.

The walls were lined with silver so Wyatt had burns up and down his arms from trying to escape.

He could see five other werewolves in his wing. There were three cages to a wall. Wyatt was farthest from the door. 

Wynter was the closest to the door. Willa wasn't in his wing. Probably because Willa and Wyatt were the ones who struggled the most.

His moonstone was gone. Ripped right off his neck. He knew he could last a few days without the power of the neckless. He had no idea how long it had been.

He felt himself grow weaker with every passing hour. He wondered if this was what was happening to Willa. Were they going to try and kill the alpha and beta?

He was embarrassed. It was the utmost dishonor to the pack if your moonstone was touched by a human. Even all the other werewolves had gotten to keep their moonstones.

Most of them were pacing trying to figure a way out. Wyatt was sitting on the cold steel bench in his cell. He was trying to preserve his strength.

He was exhausted. He had almost 2 hours of sleep before the Monster Patrol came. He had silver burns up and down his arms. He also had little burns on his face from the muzzle.

A loud clang made everyone look up. A man walked down the set of cells with his silver pole. Wyatt looked at him angerly. He was too tired to do anything else.

The man opened Wyatt's cage and put his hands behind his back binding them with thankfully not silver. Wyatt let the man take him down the hall. He was put into an interrogation room. They locked his hands on the table.

A women walked in. She was about 30 in human ages. She looked at Wyatt with disgust. Her badge labeled her as Officer Robinson

"You are a monster. Nothing more. Not a human. A monster. " Robinson said.

"I am a werewolf." Wyatt snarled.

"Right a mutt." She said. Wyatt sat forward in his seat trying to break out of his bonds. "Don't struggle dog. I have a proposal for you."

"I will let you go!" Robinson smiled. Wyatt frowned.  "I wouldn't expect a mutt to understand. You are a monster. We don't accept monsters in this town."

"We have come up with a way for werewolves to live happy lives. " Robinson smiled like she was doing Wyatt a favor. "We have come up with a formula. It had little pieces of moonstone in it. All you have to do is drink the formula everyday. Then you will look human. All we need is a test subject."

"What?" Wyatt shouted struggling against his bonds. "You destroyed the moonstone?"

"No dog. Hush!" Robinson took out a silver knife. Wyatt froze. "That's right." Robinson circled him. "You are a dog. An overgrown dog. You will listen." The officer picked up a water bottle.

"You will drink this." Robinson said. "Or you will die."

"Never!" Wyatt yelled. He would never become a human. He would die a werewolf.

"Fine." Robinson smiled. She nodded to a guard by the door. He went out then brought Wynter in. She was struggling.

Wyatt kept his expression neutral. Showing connections to others just gave them more opportunities to hurt you.

"You're a beta. You swore to protect your pack." Robinson said. "Is this protecting them?" She nodded at the other guard.

The guard pressed a silver blade to Wynter's neck. She said nothing. Her eyes pleaded with him to not give in.

"You aren't a very good beta." Robinson said. "You are putting your self interests in front of your packs. Look how much she's suffering." Steam rose from Wynter 's neck.

Wyatt looked between the water bottle and Wynter. Maybe it wouldn't work. Even if it did, at least Wynter wasn't dead.

"Stop it!" Wyatt shouted. "I'll do it." Wynter's guard released the hold on her. Wynter gasped.

"Don't do it Wyatt!" She pleaded. "Please!" She was hauled out of the room.

Wyatt took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he was about to become a test subject. Robinson smiled wickedly. She poured the water bottle into a doggy dish and put it in front of him

"Lick dog." She said and exited the room. Wyatt clenched his jaw. He didn't want to drink it but it was him or the pack. At least he was keeping them safe.

He bowed his head and used his tongue to lick up the milky liquid. It had  chunks in it. The moonstone he guessed.

He choked it down. It burned him on the way down. He felt dizzy. The room spun. He puked the liquid up. His throat felt horse and it left a bad taste in his mouth.

An African American man came in. He had on a doctors coat. "Interesting." He said. "How do you feel?"

Wyatt stood up and kicked his chair back. "Where did you get the moonstones from?"

"From you. You had some on that neckless." The doctor said.

Wyatt eyes grew huge. His mouth hung open. He couldn't even think. His moonstone, practically his life, was gone. He had had that neckless since he was born. He would die in a few days.

"What have you done?!" Wyatt roared. He pulled at the chains holding him down. "That moonstone is an artifact of werewolf culture. It is irreplaceable! It is my life! How could you destroy it?"

The doctor looked startled. He ran out of the room. Wyatt pulled and pulled at the metal. The screws holding everything in place got loose. He gave it a mighty pull and pulled his hands free.

They had destroyed his moonstone. They would pay.

He was free. He looked at the guard. He held out his silver knife. That little thing wasn't going to stop Wyatt. Wyatt used he shoe to knock it out of his hands.

He proceded to kick and punch the man until he passed out. Wyatt pounded and pushed at the door. Finally he took a running start and ran straight through a open door into a rusty old metal cage.

The door clang shut. Robinson looked at Wyatt through the cage. "This is your punishment mutt." She walked away.

Wyatt went to the door to try and open it. He touched the metal bars and immediately wished he hadn't. The bars burned his skin. They were pure silver.

He let go shaking his hands trying to wish away the pain. He had to stand strong, till the end.

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