The New Side

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Wyatt's POV

They had done it. The werewolves had killed the human family and didn't even try to cover their tracks. Even worse, they were proud of it.

Wyatt was so angry at his father but Wayne was the alpha and wasn't leaving anytime soon. Wyatt had no position in the pack now. He couldn't argue with his father, that could get his kicked out of the pack.

He sort of understood Addison's plea for her banishment. If Addison didn't believe in the morals of the pack even more then Wyatt, he could understand why she would want to leave.

Wyatt was disgusted with his pack. They weren't monsters or killers. That is what the humans had label them as. Some werewolves like Wayne thought they couldn't do anything against this and decided to be monsters.

"Wyatt!" Wynter caught up to Wyatt, walking out of the den. Willa was with her. "Where are you going?"

"Hunting." Wyatt said.

"You just got back from hunting." Wynter said.

"Fine, I'm on a border patrol." Wyatt said. He just wanted to leave, to get away from the den and his pack.

"No you're not." Willa said. "You are mad."

"Yeah so?" Wyatt asked. "I can't take it out on Dad or the pack. I could get kicked out." He looked longingly at the forest.

"Fine. Don't do anything stupid." Willa said.

"Wayne doesn't want us talking or looking at the humans." Wynter said, reminding him of his mistake of watching humans.

"I get it." Wyatt rolled his eyes. He breathed in the sweet air and then ran into the green trees.

His nose twitched and he caught the scent of a rabbit. He grinned and dropped on all fours. He quietly approached the light brown rabbit and with a swipe, killed it.

He built a fire and gutted then roasted the rabbit. He ate it, relishing at the freedom of the forest.

Then a very sweet scent almost knocked him over. He would know that scent as well as anyone in his pack. It was Addison.

Wyatt set down his rabbit and put out his fire. He followed Addison to a moonlit lake. It was the same lake Wyatt had comforted Addison after Zed had broken up with her.

Addison sat down at the lake and looked out. She put her head in her hands and sobbed. Wyatt could smell the sadness.

Wyatt knew she was the enemy and his father would kill him if he showed any mercy or pity to her. He supposed the "right" werewolf thing to do would be kill her. Wyatt couldn't do it. He jumped down from a tree.

"Hey Addison. Are you all right?" Wyatt asked, strolling up to her.

Addison turned around. "Wyatt? I'm...I'm fine." She wiped away her tears. "Go away."

"I never leave a pack mate behind." Wyatt said and sat down on the sand.

"I'm not your packmate and I don't need your sympathy." Addison snarled.

"I understand why you left. I wish you didn't. You were a great packmate. I loved being your tempus." Wyatt said. He looked at her face, silver from the large moon, outlined in white hair.

Addison looked out at the lake. "Go away. We're enemies now. I'm not in your pack. I'm an outsider." Wyatt sat down next to her and waited.

"I'm here to listen. So tell me. You may not be in my pack, but you're my friend." Wyatt said. I wish we could be so much more. He added silently in his head. Addison turned away from him. Wyatt thought she was done with him.

"All I've ever wanted is to find my people." Addison said, tears springing to her eyes. "I always knew that we should accept everyone. It was easy for me. I knew the zombies weren't my people and I know the humans aren't either. I felt something when I saw the werewolves. I thought I had found my pack. But I was useless at everything wolf. Then I felt the same spark from the vampires. I doubted myself and left."

"Now I feel even more alone! I have no people and no one trusts me or likes me!" Addison's tears flowed down her face. "The humans hate me for being different. I'll never get past the zombie's prejudices about humans. Werewolves hate me for betraying them. The vampires know for sure I'm not one of them and I'm a guest everywhere. Am I destined to be alone?"

"Why do I have to be so different?" Addison sobbed. She curled up and put her head in her arms. "I was proud to be different, Wyatt, like you guys. I just can't do it alone."

Wyatt moved closer to Addison. Addison lay her head on his shoulder. "Don't do it alone." He whispered.

"Wyatt, no, you can't leave your pack. I saw you when you thought you weren't in it anymore. You were broken." Addison said.

"Now you're broken. I need to help you like you helped me." Wyatt said. "Tell me everything. I'll help you get through this."

"No one can know. You're father would kill you if he knew you were helping the enemy." Addison said. "Not even Willa."

"Fine." Wyatt sighed. "Just you and me. A team. For peace."

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